
来自魔法少女小圆维基讨论2016年2月9日 (二) 16:45的版本
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"如果有人说心怀希望是错误的事,不管几次我都一定会出言反驳,不管到什么时候。" - 鹿目圆, 第12话.

名字(日语) 鹿目 まどか (Kaname Madoka)
CV 悠木碧
年龄 14
武器 弓箭




  • 日文 | 鹿目まどか(かなめ まどか/Kaname Madoka)
  • 中译 | 鹿目魔户香(最初)、鹿目圆、鹿目圆香
  • 昵称 | 小圆、粉圆、圆神、Kriemhild Gretchen[注 1]、馒头卡[注 2]
  • 英文称呼 | Ultimate Madoka[注 3]MadoKami[注 3]Godoka[注 3]


  • 平凡的初中二年生,就读于见泷原中学,与美树沙耶香晓美焰志筑仁美一个班级
  • 担任班里的保健委员
  • 年龄14岁,生日10月3日[1][注 4],血型A[1],身高150cm[1](152cm左右[注 5]
  • 印象色粉红。灵魂宝石为水滴形状,变身后佩戴在锁骨间
  • 五人当中最矮,胸部最平(其实跟小焰不相上下),成神后的乳量说法不一
  • 中短发时常用红色的缎带扎成双马尾,成神后使用白色的发带在新剧场版叛逆结局的新世界里,曾一度选择了黄色的发带,随后被小焰换回红色
  • 妈妈是鹿目询子,爸爸是鹿目知久,弟弟是鹿目达也



  • 小圆班上来了个神秘的转校生晓美焰,放学后小圆偶然听到了QB的呼救,却发现追杀QB的正是小焰
  • 麻美学姐救了小圆之后,小圆开始憧憬成为魔法少女,而另一方面,小焰则极力阻挠她们
  • 第八话:QB宣称小圆拥有无与伦比的潜力,无论许什么愿望都能实现,说不定还能改变宇宙的法则成为天上的神明
  • 第十话: TV第一周目的小圆在魔女手中救下了眼镜麻花焰,后来在魔女之夜一战当中去世。TV第二周目的小圆在有小焰助力的情况下,似乎仍未能击破魔女之夜,最终魔力耗尽化身为救济之魔女。TV第三周目的小圆果断阻止了麻美学姐的暴走,一箭击碎了学姐的SG,救下小焰并一起面对魔女之夜。最终战两人力尽不支,小圆用最后留下来的沙耶加的GS去除了小焰SG的污秽,希望小焰回到过去阻止自己成为魔法少女,并求小焰以枪击碎自己的SG。TV第四周目的小圆一直被小焰保护着,直到最终看到小焰不敌魔女之夜后,许愿成为魔法少女并一击打败了魔女之夜,随后便耗尽魔力变为魔女。“大概只需10天就能毁灭这个地球了”by QB
  • 第十一话第十二话: 由于小焰无数的轮回,平行世界的因果线都系在这个小圆身上。拥有巨大潜力的小圆许愿“让所有宇宙、所有时间的魔女在诞生之前,都由我亲手消灭”。然而这意味着小圆自身化为魔女之时也必须被自己消灭,这样违反因果律的事情导致小圆的存在从所有宇宙中消失。实现这一愿望的唯一方法是重新构筑所有平行世界从过去到未来的所有历史,而小圆自身也变为“从一开始就未曾存在过”的状态,没有人(除了小焰)再记得小圆,没有人(除了小焰)能够认识到小圆的存在。鹿目达也是魔法少年所以没关系。从而小圆到达了所有宇宙的外侧、神的领域。“你并不是实现了大家的希望,而是让自身化为希望”by 学姐

剧场版 新篇 叛逆的物语

在延续正篇故事的完全新作[新篇]叛逆的物语中,鹿目圆以3种姿态登场,分别是:捏造的见泷原(false town/伪街)的魔法少女圆、“圆环之理”的圆(俗称“圆神”)、“圆环之理”被撕裂后的圆[2]








  • Madoka's silhouette appeared once during Juubey's explanation about Magical Girl system. She also makes a single-panel cameo in the extra pages in the first volume of the collected edition.




"How can you be so calm, Homura-chan? Why? Why are you only saving me? You have such an incredible power, Homura-chan!!"
"If you're going to abandon everyone and run away, then you shouldn't save me...!"
- Madoka, Puella Magi Oriko Magica, Chapter 5.

  • Madoka appears in Chapter 3, asking Homura to go home with her, along with Sayaka and Hitomi. She is well protected by Homura and isn't aware of Magical Girl system.
  • She appears in Chapter 4 for one page. She is shown with her friends Homura, Sayaka and Hitomi going out for snacks after school.
  • In chapters 5 through 7, Mitakihara Junior High was attacked by Oriko and Kirika. Oriko spoke to the school through the school's broadcast system, and seemed to give a threatening look to Madoka as she claimed she defeat a creature of ultimate despair that will descend upon them. As a witch's barrier forms over the school, Madoka is separated from her friends attacked by familiars. Homura saves her in time, but Madoka demands to know why she does not help the other students. Homura knows she cannot save everyone, and wanted to try to save Madoka anyway. Madoka apologized as Homura puts her in a protective barrier so familiars cannot attack her and left to defeat the perpetrators. Madoka escaped from the protective barrier created by Homura, and tried to help Homura with Sayaka and Hitomi. Template:Spoiler

魔法少女小圆 the different story

在《魔法少女小圆 〜The different story〜》之中与动画故事背景一样,鹿目圆同样对于身为魔法少女的巴麻美有所憧憬。在之后好友美树沙耶香也选择成为魔法少女并与麻美一同作战,而鹿目圆则是继续思考著“找到更加坚定的愿望”并且跟在两人身旁。在沙耶香因为上条恭介志筑仁美之间的关系心烦意乱时,圆主动向恭介表示其左手治愈的奇迹是由于沙耶香所造成的,但是沙耶香则谢绝了好意并且表示等一天过后才决定把实情告诉给恭介。虽然之后在与魔女作战的过程中沙耶香与麻美化解了尴尬,但是最后仍然因为灵魂宝石遭到污染而变成了魔女。






  • 废怯心地善良,和平主义者,秩序善良阵营。希望帮助他人,实现自身的价值
    • 曾经在之前的轮回里是非常勇敢而果断的人
    • 一直在哭,从不变身
  • 常常认为自己是“没有任何优点且对任何人都没有帮助的人”,心底里一直希望能“给别人帮上忙”
  • 因为对于自身“无法拒绝他人”的性格非常清楚,所以不敢向QB询问复活学姐的方式
  • 憧憬厉害又帅气的麻美学姐
  • 美树沙耶加从小一起长大,非常要好,不惜变身为魔法少女以拯救沙耶加
  • 非常听爸爸妈妈话的好孩子
  • 喜欢小猫,曾经为了救黑猫艾米而许愿成为魔法少女
  • 天然黑,位于攻受食物链的顶端


  • 总是以“酱”“桑”称呼周围的人,除了上条君,因为顾虑到沙耶加的恋爱之心。PSP游戏里琴剑走到一起之后,小圆便更亲密地称呼上条了
  • 虚渊玄在 Blu-Ray_Volume_4_Booklet#Gen_Urobuchi_.28Screenplay_for_All_Episodes.29_.26_Akiyuki_Shinbo_.28Director.29_Conversation_Part_1 说他把鹿目询子设计成女强人角色,而小圆则憧憬这一份勇气和实力
    • 小圆之前感觉自己太没用,不适合做魔法少女,可能是因为她以母亲为标准来衡量自己,觉得自己不行。
      • 有人认为小圆如此不幸的原因是她希望得到力量来变得无私以此来摆脱不幸。QB利用这一点来操纵小圆的思想,让她把自己的愿望建立在内疚之上。它试图让小圆相信她自己可以通过做出无私的许愿来从不幸中解放。
      • 如果没有成为魔法少女的愿望和经历,小圆这样的角色永远不会成长为一位勇敢的英雄。但是,她作为废怯少女的经历——常常为众多生命逝去而哭泣悲伤,总是希望做正确的事但力不从心,试图救下朋友和陌生人却失败,还有为被精明冷血的外星人所欺骗的无辜少女感到的悲伤——让小圆最终得到了勇气去征服恐惧,拯救小焰和世界,而非屈服于绝望而逃走。这是第十一话和她母亲在一起的片段给我们留下的印象。
  • 第六话,询子和小圆进行了一段交谈,关于就算在谁都没做错事的情况下,要做正确的事有多难。询子给小圆的建议是为了解决问题而不惜对朋友犯错,就算这意味着会被朋友讨厌也好。在第十一话询子当面阻止小圆跑入危险的风暴,小圆提醒她妈妈说她自己是个好女孩从不做错事但她必须做这件事,这使话题又回到了之前的那段交谈。小圆知道她所做的事会使家人担心,但她也知道她必须违背她的母亲去拯救家庭和小镇。这段对话使询子对她放心。
  • 广播剧CD“Sunny Day Life”中提到小圆过去经常成绩很好,但她作为魔法少女的职责干扰了她的学习。
    • 值得注意的是小圆的成绩依旧比沙耶加好。


  • 在TV第12话,终于许愿“将所有的宇宙、过去和未来、所有的魔女,在诞生前亲手消灭[注 6]”而变身魔法少女
  • TV第10话揭示她在其他时间轴许过其他愿望,包括帮助小焰打败魔女之夜
  • 广播剧1 Memories of You 揭示了第一周目的愿望是拯救被车撞死的黑猫艾米。跟PSP游戏的あなたが侧にいてくれるなら路线相一致
  • PSP游戏的梦の中で逢った、ような…路线里的愿望是让沙耶香变回普通人。私が愿った、奇迹路线的愿望是希望家里所有人感到幸福

武器 无论许什么愿望,小圆的武器总是一把开花弓。平常携带状况时长弓会自动成折叠成如同细长树枝般的状态,但是在准备拉弓时长弓的主体将会自动伸展开来并且变成弓箭形状,同时伴随著拉弓的动作使得弓弦以及能量箭弓矢凭空生成[3]。而当拉满弓时原本顶端的花苞会先绽放出玫瑰花朵,接著弓箭上端会点燃粉红色的火焰。



  • PSP游戏里面,小圆许的不同愿望会导致略微不同的魔法能力,包括使得身体魔力上升、治疗恢复伤势甚至是消除部分灵魂宝石污染等魔法。TV第12话里面由于其许愿的性质,导致小圆射出的箭拥有穿越时空与平行宇宙、拯救所有魔法少女的灵魂宝石的能力。
  • 箭矢是由魔力凭空生成的,并没有实体。可以用来单一射击、连续射击或者一次性射出多支。
  • 可以朝天射出一支箭矢后化作箭雨落下,用作范围攻击
  • 在TV第12话里还能够召唤出巨型魔法阵,产生极大范围(甚至超越时空)的箭雨
  • 而在射出箭矢后头除了会残留发射的轨迹外,同时具有追踪能力的弓矢使得圆能够有著极为夸张的精准度[3]


在官方预告中形容鹿目圆为“温柔又为朋友著想的平凡中学二年级学生”,而悠木碧在接受《Megami MAGAZINE》采访时表示:“小圆是如此地蓬松可爱!她就像草莓大福般![6]”而除了常见到的鹿目圆在《魔法少女小圆》中为可爱且正向的的女孩意见外[7][8],网站“The Fandom Post”的一篇文章中则认为圆在有些时候则反而显得过于天真[9]。另外一些评论则特别提及到圆在决定成为魔法少女前的“废怯”模样,包括动画新闻网评论家大卫·卡比拿(David Cabrera)于文章中提到对于绝大部分的观众来说,最为熟悉的鹿目圆形象为优柔寡断的校园少女[10];而在网站“THEM Anime Reviews”的评论中则指出虽然圆在很多地方呈现出无用、懦弱且没有自信心的女孩样貌,但是在面临新的绝望发生时反而没有看到其软弱的一面,并且她能明白地知道哪个地方错误了[11]

尽管《魔法少女小圆》在标题本身便已经标注了“魔法少女”,但是作为动画主要角色之一的圆却迟迟没有真正成为魔法少女。其中整个故事内容主要是放在她为什么要成为魔法少女上[12],这也使得圆在剧情中并无法成为与魔女对战的角色[13]。其中评论家乔纳森·达尔顿(Jonathan Dalton)便在评论中指出尽管圆同样也是《魔法少女小圆》中的主要角色,但是在绝大部分的故事剧情中她往往只能够担任旁观者的角色[14]。而整个动画主要故事时间轴一直到最后一话之中才让圆订下契约变身成为魔法少女,对于这样的安排则意外地广泛被观众所接受[15]。其中评论家塞隆·马丁(Theron Martin)则是在评论第十二话时提到:“圆许下的愿望是她经历整个事件后的作品最高潮,并且借由她这名角色涵盖了故事主线的所有内容。[16]”但是另一名评论家提姆·琼斯(Tim Jones)则批评说:“在整部作品快结束之时躲在最远最后方的脆弱环节就是圆,在整个故事中就是别人告诉她该怎么做、担任一个虚应的背景人物以及当朋友遭遇噩耗时开始哭泣。……一直到系列最后面时她才终于用自己的双脚站起来,并且决定以自己的双手解决这一切。[17]



在成为魔法少女之后其穿著的魔法衣结合了大量荷叶边与丝带,不过在动画版本最后一话后半段其衣饰则改为纯白的魔法衣服、并且在后头多了白色的羽翼。除了衣服上的改变外,此时鹿目圆的头发将会变长,而且瞳孔颜色也变为金黄色。根据设定这是由于受到鹿目圆其愿望为在所有魔女诞生前便将其消灭的影响而改变了原本的穿著,同时这个状态也是“无限时空战斗之超进化所产生的究极型态”[20]。在原本剧本之中将此时的圆称为“Hyper Ultimate Madoka”(ハイパーアルティメットまどか),而在蓝光光碟和DVD光碟第六卷以及其他系列产品中则多以“Ultimate Madoka”(アルティメットまどか)称呼[21]





战斗对象 时间 战斗结果 致胜招式 附注
“班长”的魔女 第10话 胜利
魔女之夜 第10话 胜利 时间轴2。魔女化。
“人鱼”的魔女 第10话 胜利
魔女之夜 第10话 败北 时间轴3。
魔女之夜 第12话 胜利
梦魇 剧场版[新篇] 胜利 四人战斗。
梦魇 剧场版[新篇] 胜利 Tiro Duet “神圣五重奏”。
剧场版[新篇] 胜利
“恶魔”晓美焰 剧场版[新篇] 败北 记忆遭窜改。
战斗对象 时间 战斗结果 致胜招式 附注
魔女之夜 〜The different story〜 最终话 不明 胜负无意义。


经典台词(credit: K岛维基)
  • 如果——我是说如果,有人跟你说能用魔法实现任何愿望,你会怎么做?もしも——もしも、だよ?魔法でどんな愿い事でも 叶えてもらえる、って言われたら、どうする?” 官网角色描述台词。
  • “いいなぁ。私も一通ぐらいもらってみたいなぁ。ラブレター”
  • “だって、この子、私を呼んでた! 闻こえたんだもん、‘助けて’って”
  • “ただ、なりたいってだけじゃ、駄目なのかな……”
  • “梦の中で逢った、ような……”
  • “それはとっても嬉しいなって”
  • “こんなの绝対おかしいよ”
  • “わたしの、最高の友达”
  • “クラスの皆には内绪だよ☆”[注 7]
  • “ハシャイジャッテ”







  • 于广播剧中出现的猫“艾米”,其名字来自于悠木碧饲养的猫,不过设定中这只黑猫不是小圆家养的。它原本并不存在于虚渊玄的剧本中,在访谈中他提及这是SHAFT为了转移观众视线才把黑猫加到OP中并刻意让它在宣传图中登场。可见虚渊玄也被SHAFT玩弄了。



另外悠木碧表示在进行第十一话录音时现场极为地感伤,而她自己也完全融入在故事中圆的情绪起伏上,并且认为圆最后一定会接受焰的感情[41]。而虚渊玄在接受《BLACK PAST》采访时则表示:“感觉上焰所做的一切都是为了圆,但是一直到圆得到全能的能力后才知晓焰的感受……而圆为化解过去种种事情只能够脱离人的范畴而成为神,就某种意义上来说这是一个极为残酷的故事。[42]”另外在家庭背景设定部分,制作团队则由于一开始的玩心而设定成母亲外出工作、父亲在家中担任家庭主夫的设定[43],虚渊玄也表示自己本来就想在魔法少女类型作品中加入一个有男子气概与主见的母亲[44]。对此他认为正因为圆是在这样的长大环境之下,所以对于男性与女性之间的社会刻板印象并不深,这让身为女性的她便会自然而然地效仿最亲近的成人,而能够放心接受并且有勇气地改变某件事情[39]。其中制作团队表示在后面的话数之中,“坚强的母亲”这一关系成为促使得圆决定担任魔法少女的关键因素[45],并且在第十一话中成为重要的剧情内容[19][18]


被提名改名为“圆神星云”的NGC 6357星云,其中星云的一部分被认为与动画中圆的样貌相似。

2011年4月1日时,包括BaseSon猫猫软体和ALcot等日本成人游戏公司趁著《魔法少女小圆》播出时推出相关的愚人节广告,而Nitroplus甚至将其虚拟代表人物SUPERSONICO搭配鹿目圆的魔法少女穿著而设计出“魔法少女SONICO☆小圆”的预告[46]。而在2012年2月22日到3月4日举办的第十五回文化厅媒体艺术祭作品展中,在东京都港区会场上展示了由梅赛德斯-宾士所提供、并且绘制有《魔法少女小圆》图样的Smart痛车,其中所挑选的人物图案即为已经变身成为魔法少女的鹿目圆以及晓美焰[47]。而在2012年5月时三丽鸥则与Magica Quartet展开合作,发表了以魔法少女装扮的鹿目圆与晓美焰为基础设计的My Melody图样,并且计画在7月中旬推出包括玩偶、皮夹等一系列延伸产品进行贩售[48]


2013年2月时,美国人安德鲁·贾卡(Andrew Jaqua)在Change.org发起全球请愿连署活动,要求国际天文学联合会将十分貌似“鹿目圆神化”的NGC 6357星云之一部分分离出来,并且更名为“圆神星云”(Madokami Nebula)[51]。而安德鲁·贾卡为了这次连署所拟定的意见书中则指出,希望透过星云更名的方式“将圆神自我牺牲的精神发扬光大”[52]。而在2013年5月28日时朝日饮料则与Magica Quartet展开合作,在特定的便利店推出了4款外表有著鹿目圆等《魔法少女小圆》主要角色图案设计的三矢汽水[53]


  • 在2012年3月,日刊体育第1回日刊动画大竞技(第1回日刊アニメグランプリ)的女王赏,而其声优悠木碧也获得了MIP女性声优赏
  • NHK纪念电视动画 开播50周年:第7名(最受欢迎的女英雄)
  • 在2011年12月,Megami MAGAZINE 2012-02(第38页)公布的最佳配对组合排名中,鹿目圆x晓美焰的组合排行第一名,并且整整比第二名还多出两倍的票数
  • 另外在庆祝《剧场版 魔法少女小圆》上映而举办的角色名言前十五名投票中,包括第十二话所说的“你是我最好的朋友……”、“如果有人说怀抱希望是种错误,我会反驳这种说法是错的……无论几次我都会如此回答。”与“我也再也没有必要绝望了!”、以及第十话所说的“要跟班上的同学们保密喔。”都被票选其中,并且分别排行在第十五名、第十二名、第九名以及第五名[54]


圆神党人宣称比赛结束前2分钟爆票,但被人刷爆投票楼,导致无法投票[注 8]
韩国最萌大赛 2011
C洽最萌大赛(台萌) 2011


  • 角色歌是またあした,第一次是作为ED出现在BD版Vol.1收录的第一话跟第二话,以及BD Vol.1限定版的特典CD中。悠木碧表示在歌唱《明天再见》时以为是首无忧无虑且让人愉快的歌曲,但是之后才了解到歌词底下的另外一层涵义[55]
    • 该特典光碟之后由于附录的本子与片尾影片和实际音乐的歌词有所出入,这使得负责发售的Aniplex决定暂缓第一卷光碟的推出,而针对已经购买的消费者则是以邮递的方式寄送新版本的光碟与本子[56]

此外许多与鹿目圆相关人形也陆陆续续地推出,其中主要设计人形玩偶的Good Smile Company分别推出过3款figma人偶[57][58][59]、4款黏土人玩偶[60][61][62][63]、以及2款1/8比例模型[64][65]。而在2011年时由Good Smile Company公布的销售排行榜之中,鹿目圆的黏土人模型排行第三名、figma人物模型排行第七名以及制服版本穿著的黏土人玩偶排行第二十三名[66][67];另外在2012年时,Good Smile Company所推出的“最终型态鹿目圆”八分之一大小玩偶则是于当年度同系列产品销售排行榜上排名第一[68][69][70][71][72]。除了Good Smile Company以及旗下子公司曾推出鹿目圆的人偶外,包括Medicom Toy[73]Template:Link-ja[74][75]Template:Link-ja万代等公司也有推出相关人形产品[76][77][78]


  • 小圆的声优悠木碧是杏子的大粉丝[79]
  • 圆神总攻,魔法少女后宫王 her own harem
  • 天才竹刀少女
  • ウェヒヒヒヒ/ウェヒヒヒヒ You can hear it here. (Or here.)
  • 职阶为挂逼Archer
  • まどかタイタス:有人将小圆的Figure和Gundam AGE的Gundam AGE-01 Titus手脚合在一起,发现意外的很合
    • SD的タイタス和粘土まどか也很搭。
    • 后来影响到小焰,多出了ほむらスパロー亚种......
    • 更之后的战姬绝唱SYMPHOGEAR中,因为悠木饰演的主角响就是擅长肉搏战,之后まどかタイタス很干脆的就直接被响给同化掉了。


  • Madoka owns many stuffed animals in her room.
    • One of Madoka's stuffed animals resembles Lady from Disney's movie "Lady and the Tramp".
  • Madoka and Mami are the only Magical Girls known who are never seen having a mark on any of their fingernails. Homura, Kyoko and Sayaka all have marks on their left middle fingers, matching the shape of the emblem of their respective Soul Gem.
  • Madoka is never seen with her Soul Gem in a ring form.
  • Urobuchi in his audio commentary on BD/DVD 3 explains that he felt like Aoi Yuki was born for the role of Madoka. What he means is that she doesn't force herself into the role of becoming her character and she leaves the impression of being a natural airhead, but in a good way.
  • Gen Urobuchi twitted that he chose October 3 as Madoka's birthday, because that was the day when the ‘Mahou Shoujo Apocalypse Madoka☆Magica Project’ document was created[1].
    • The project was developed under the working title "Mahō Shōjo Mokushiroku Madoka☆Magica", ("Magical Girl Revelation Madoka☆Magica" or "Maho Shojo Apocalypse Madoka☆Magica"), a reference to the Bible.


  • Some fans speculate that Madoka presumably made a wish for a large cake in one of the timelines, under the influence of Mami.
  • Theoretically there is also the danger that, should Madoka become extremely powerful and turn into a witch, her power may be enough to destroy not only Earth, but the entire universe.
    • INCREDIBLY unlikely. Kyubey's species is (if they can be trusted) trying to save the universe in the first place, not trying to destroy it. They wouldn't create something they can't take down.
      • Then again, Kyubey remarked in the fourth timeline that he didn't know Madoka would turn out to be so powerful. While in this timeline he probably knows (and definitely doesn't care) that the witch form of Madoka could destroy the Earth, he may not know the full extent of her power.
      • Madoka's wish includes a hidden if-then clause Template:Spoiler. Because her wish is to Template:Spoiler. Which is what we see happen.
  • It is speculated that any wish Madoka ever made would be twisted because of the nature of the wish, according with Episode 11. Kyubey suspects that as long as the motives are selfish, the wish will always be twisted because the wishers' desire would always fail to meet their expectation.
  • An argument can be said that Madoka has two ways to develop her courage. One is through Kyubey by magic (which is the easiest path); the other way is more difficult and hurtful, the painful life experience and lessons she receives through friends, family members, and from strangers. But the most influential character in Madoka's life would be her mother, her source of wisdom, courage, and strength.
    • The Drama CD "Memories of you", states that Madoka used to have low self-esteem and doubts about herself until she became a magical girl.
  • It is suspected that the series is attempting to show the journey of a little girl growing up from a simple life that is then thrown into the realm of magic. From her innocent eyes she perceives the magical world to be good, fantastic, and pleasing. But once Madoka experiences the dark nature of the magic world, she attempts to escape from the dark world of magic and at the same time evade the cynical world of reality. During her scene with her mother, Madoka attempts to move from the hopeless world of reality into the realm of adulthood. However, because Madoka still retains her hopes and dreams some would suggest that Madoka, rather than being regressed into a childish person, is growing into a hopeful adult that dreams for a better future.
    • This is considered incorrect. In the anime, so called "maturity" is metaphorized as, essentially, corruption—this is one of the most important metaphors in the anime (If we were never corrupted, we would never be "mature", our true images, when not corrupted, are images of naive children with pure souls, filled with hope, selfless love and compassion). When one becomes an adult, most likely she becomes a minion, a witch or a person whose true heart is blinded that she cannot resonate with other people and the power of the light side (hope, selfless love...). So it's OK to say Madoka grows up as herself but it's not good to say that she has become an adult, since most adults are called adults only because they're essentially corrupted. In a sense, you can say Madoka's maturity is the maturity of a person with the purist soul, but that wouldn't be necessary, and we should avoid using the words that are associated with "maturity" - "adult" is one of them. Madoka is the avatar of hope, she does everything because of the pure hope and good will, not because of some inferior conscious thoughts of responsibility, but a realization of her heart - the core of her soul, her subconsciousness, which is deep within her.
  • I concur. In the anime, Kyubey refers to the magical girls as "puella" (in the title, which should suggest even greater significance). Puella, as he phrased it, referred to an immature girl. He also mentioned that these girls "grow up" into witches, implying that with maturity comes darkness and pain. The "adulthood" that is referenced in this series refers mostly to the dark side of humanity.
    • During the old world, "maturity" is essentially the corruption of a girl's adolescence. Kyubey's process is an attempt to uncover the darkness and selfish nature of the girls by amplifying it during the developing period into a witch. Is not an issue of purity as much as an issue of naivete and inexperience innocence; Kyubey corrupts these girls because they haven't been exposed or experienced the gritty reality of the world. Their lives as magical girls shatter their ideal views of a mahou shoujo, in the case of Kyoko as an example. Even Madoka became a Witch, perhaps as a statement of the flawed nature of humanity. But there was also a message of hope, Ultimate Madoka, a version of hope and sacrifice that defeated her Superwitch counterpart. This new entity born of the same metamorphosis process overcame the corrupting process of the system and developed into a much more mature Madoka. The reason for this new change is because Madoka made her wish that reflected her part as a sensible young adult, with the guidance of self reflection and wise counsel from others. The previous Madoka versions failed because they didn't reach their natural maturity when they made their wishes; they made their wishes with the mental view of an innocent child who didnt fully mature or understood the world. This new Madoka carries with her the hopes of magical girls, not just her own. However, as a responsible adult she must fade from the world and help many girls by taking their impurities with her. Madoka knows that she cannot abandon them, no matter how much she would miss her family and friends. This new Madoka has inhered a new sense of maturity and adult responsibility. The process of maturing into a better person requires Madoka to inherit the traits that comes with adulthood. It doesnt mean that Madoka becomes a better adult automatically nor a corrupt adult either. It just means that Madoka cannot grow into maturity without taking the elements of adulthood with her. In the series, adulthood can much as mean corruption as well as a new sense of guardianship. In this new sense, maturity and adulthood are not exclusive. One can become an adult without maturing (a witch), but one cannot mature without becoming an adult. One great example of Madoka's maturity is respecting the magical girls' wishes and dreams by not undoing their wishes or undoing their deaths. Another example is Madoka's acceptance of the need of a system to repair the damage done to the universe. Madoka's system is not perfect but she attempts to adjust it to make it more fair. Rather than radically alter the world to an "ideal version" (or paradise, as Kriemhild Gretchen tried), Madoka accepts the world as it is and tries to work within it. Madoka is in the process of growing into a fine woman, just like her mother Junko.
      • Madoka is not becoming someone like her mother, he mother is a good woman, but she's corrupted as well, only the soul of a young girl like Madoka, can be really pure. None of those girls are truly selfish, everyone, including the people who are very selfless, have selfish desires, but that doesn't make them selfish people. All the magical girls in the anime, are the ones whose nature is much more selfless than most people, they have the purest souls. The corruption doesn't just refer to the corruption of girls of adolescence, but of all people. It's not a metaphor of young girls, but of the whole humanity, every single human being on earth. This anime shows us that, the so called "maturity" in our world, is essentially corruption. People were naive children with pure souls, filled with hope, selfless love and compassion at the beginning, but they were eventually corrupted to become the so called "adults", who are essentially minions, witches or people whose true hearts are blinded. The ones with purest souls, like the magical girls in the anime, they're the ones who are taking the greatest damage and corruption(absorbing the greatest darkness) from the evil of the society, and they're the ones who are corrupted into witches (As metaphorized in the Bible, the arch-devils are fallen angels; in the anime, the purer the soul is, the stronger the magical power). The ones whose souls are not so pure, would eventually become the common adults (people whose true heart are blinded) or the minions of the witches. Also, as stated, conscious thoughts of responsibility is inferior, it is only a rough projection of hope and selfless love deep inside our subconsciousness, it is not to be followed. Madoka's heart resonates with hope, that's the power that leads her, not any conscious thoughts - only what's deep inside us is true, in a sense, all words are fake, since they can never completely describe what our true heart (subconsciousness) is like (the last sentence in the ending song Magia, "My feelings alone are all that I live for, what will create my life, is this, wish.", it is the feeling that is to be followed, not any conscicous thoughts).
        • I would like to point out that there is a contradiction. If only the purity of Madoka's soul can save the girls. Then what does one make of the other girls? If Madoka is so pure and the reason she became a Witch was because of the corruption tainting her heart, then what changed in the end? If magical girls are not selfish, does that make them selfless? If so, then why couldn't they overcome their own corruption? One cannot be selfless and selfish at the same time, this in essence is a contradiction. To be selfish does not mean to be a bad person, it means that one has to meet the needs and demands of one self. This observation regarding selflessness is subjective. Mami wanted to live but she regretted her choice because she didn't think of saving her family at the time. Sayaka wanted to heal Kyosuke because she felt sorry for him, but she also admits too late that she also wanted his love. This is why Kyubey knows that any wish will be corrupted, because it gets twisted by its own logic.
          • The taint made them selfish, this means the taint blinds them from seeing hope, and thus they're only controlled by their grief and despair. Madoka has selfish desires, but they vanished so quickly inside Madoka's heart because they're powerless, until Madoka is tainted by the darkness of the witch she had defeated(corruption thus pass from one to the other, and it is non-decreasing, like entropy). It is not the girls are not selfish at all, it is that though they're basically selfless, and they're much more selfless than most people, they have a desire to protect their own hearts. When darkness blinds them, their dark side is magnified while their good side being blinded, thus they become witches(notice that this is not a necessary cause of a magical girl being turned into a witch). One can be selfless and selfish at the same time, we have both the nature of selflessness and selfishness(desire to protect oneself), and when darkness blinds one, the two parts of us would be conflicting, and darkness may(or may not) win at the end. However, I do agree with this "To be selfish does not mean to be a bad person, it means that one has to meet the needs and demands of one self. This observation regarding selflessness is subjective.".
          • Unlike Sayaka, Madoka probably gets corrupted not because her wish gets twisted. It is possible her wish only got twisted after she became a witch, not before it, so perhaps it is not causing her transformation into a witch. As for Kyoko, her wish is totally innocent and the fact that it is twisted has nothing to do with her selfishness, what has twisted her wish is simply, maybe we can say, uncertainty. Sometimes good wishes simply do not help people because of things that are unexpected.
            • This is contradictory, all wishes get twisted according to Kyubey, because it never achieves the results one ever wants or expects. This is part of why girls gent transformed into Witches, it is part of the metamorphosis. This is already stated in Episode 11. Unless a counter-proof is provided, this is highly unlikely. In the case of Kyoko, while her wish was her innocent attempt to help her father, she failed to realized that she did not ask for her father's consent or opinion. Instead he felt he was used without his consent and that the magic spell was forced upon him.
      • This is a very strong, beautiful and heart-touching metaphor. This is, as it has been said, one of the most important metaphors in the anime, which reveals us the corruption of the heart of humanity, and, behind it, a world hurrying to its ruin.
        • An argument can be said that its message is also about the hope of humanity, that even beyond the shadow of corruption there is a veil of hope for those who strife for it. Madoka, instead of turning her back to a corrupt world, decided she wanted to save it. If the world is corrupt, then it is assumed that is beyond saving. Instead, Madoka sacrificed herself to change the world into a better place. The new world is not perfect, it is still plagued with flaws and corruption, but it is also a little bit fair and merciful.
          • When it is said that the world is hurrying to its ruin, it doesn't mean it is hopeless, it simply means that without people's resonance with hope, without any change, the world will surely destroy itself. But there is always hope, as what Madoka has shown to viewers - hope can shatter all the darkness, and change the nature of universe, which is what will save humanity.
      • Madoka's maturity, as it has been stated, is different from the maturity of becoming an adult(which is essentially being corrupted), it is the true maturity. The words associated with "maturity", like "adult", "adulthood", these words are of negative meaning in the anime(and in fact, essentially, in our world as well). We should merely say that she "grows up".
        • This observation is essential to understanding the anime, it underlines that the story is of "coming of age" in an imperfect world. However, the series is not an attempt to attack adulthood, but illuminate the flaws of a cruel world that children are forced to grow into. The series attempts to reveal the serious difficulties and challenges that girls like Madoka, Mami, and Sayaka have to face in this cruel world. What message can one take from the series is up to the viewers.
          • It is suggested that the series is actually revealing the dark truth of the so called "adulthood".

Magazine Article





Official art


Madoka as a regular girl

Madoka as a Magical Girl

Madoka as a witch




Madoka's bow

Aoi Yuki



  1. 小圆的魔女的名字
  2. 与madoka谐音
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 因为小圆在TV第12话成神
  4. 负责设定鹿目圆生日的虚渊玄将其定在最终企划书撰写完成的10月3日那天。推特
  5. 根据Production Notes人设身高图的计算
  6. “全ての魔女を生まれる前に消し去りたい。全ての宇宙、过去と未来全ての魔女を、この手で。”特别是この手で,外国网友评为需要有哈佛大学的法律硕士背景才能许下如此无懈可击的愿望
  7. 剧本上这句台词真的画著
  8. 当时新的投票楼已开启,但很多人仍然在旧投票楼内尝试投票,错过投票机会。据事后计算,即使没有这一意外,圆神的票力依然不敌学姐。


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 出处鹿目圆的100问
  2. ‘剧场版魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新编] 叛逆の物语 パンフレット’、16页
  3. 3.0 3.1 Production Note、201页至205页
  4. 漫画版 魔法少女小圆 第3卷 第40页至第80页
  5. 漫画版 魔法少女小圆 第3卷 第125页至第126页
  6. Megami MAGAZINE 2011-02、第25页
  7. Eveline x、Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  8. Hachiko、Puella Magi Madoka Magica tv Review
  9. Pierce Drew、Puella Magi Madoka Magica Complete Series UK Blu-ray Anime Review
  10. 大卫·卡比拿(David Cabrera)、Astro Toy
  11. Jacob Churosh、Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  12. 娘TYPE 2011-03》Vol.16 、第42页至第45页
  13. 多根清史、大人的动画 Vol.20、第87页
  14. Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  15. 2011年アニメ界最大の冲撃作“魔法少女まどか☆マギカ”って知ってる!?
  16. Anime in America: The Best (And Most Notable) of 2012
  17. Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 宫崎哲弥、周刊SPA! 2011-07-19、第56页
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 藤津亮太、茶话 アニメ 魔法少女の成长物语、朝日新闻 2011年5月7日
  20. 魔法少女小圆 The Beginning Story、第164页
  21. 公式Guidebook、第43页
  22. 救済の魔女
  23. Production Note、第135页
  24. 公式Guidebook、第124页
  25. 25.0 25.1 公式Guidebook、第100页至第103页
  26. Megami MAGAZINE 2011-03、第79页
  27. 27.0 27.1 公式Guidebook、第102页
  28. Newtype 2011-07、第30页至第31页
  29. 公式Guidebook、第106页
  30. Manga Time Kirara Magica/Vol.3、第8页至第10页
  31. 公式Guidebook、第46页至第47页
  32. Megami MAGAZINE 2011-01、第32页
  33. 魔法少女小圆 PRODUCTION NOTE、第8页
  34. 公式Guidebook、第100页至第103页
  35. 魔法少女Magazine_(大人的动画_别册)、第11页
  36. 36.0 36.1 悠木碧斋藤千和虚渊玄田中罗密欧、青土社MOOK《魔法少女小圆 献给魔法少女的花》、第24页至第38页
  37. Megami MAGAZINE 2011-07#Complete_Book、第3页、第8页
  38. Megami MAGAZINE 2011-07#Complete_Book、第14页
  39. 39.0 39.1 公式Guidebook、120-123页。
  40. 第9、10话副音轨?
  41. 第11、12话副音轨?
  42. BLACK PAST、第6页至第20页
  43. 第7、8话副音轨?
  44. 公式Guidebook、第120页
  45. 魔法少女小圆 The Beginning Story》、第268页至第272页
  46. April 1st = Madoka Fool’s Day
  47. まどマギのラッピングカーや一挙上映も 文化庁メディア芸术祭作品展が2月22日から
  48. まどか☆マギカ×マイメロディのキュートすぎるコラボキャラが登场!
  49. 东京都知事选に出马した宇都宫けんじ候补の阵営にまどかがいる件
  50. 日本已沦陷!魔法少女小圆被选为日本众议院议员候补
  51. 国外阿宅发起更名运动 希望将NGC6357改名为圆神星云
  52. International Astronomical Union: Change the official name of nebula NGC 6357 to the "Madokami nebula"
  53. “魔法少女まどか☆マギカ”の三ツ矢サイダー缶4种を限定発売 - アサヒ饮料
  54. 《魔法少女小圆》网友票选 15句难忘名台词公开
  55. 评论副音轨
  56. 4/27新谱BD・DVD‘魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 1’ 本编ディスクおよびブックレットの一部内容に関するお诧び
  57. figma 鹿目まどか. Good Smile Company.2011年9月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  58. figma 鹿目まどか 制服ver.. Good Smile Company.2012年3月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  59. figma アルティメットまどか. Good Smile Company.2013年3月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  60. ねんどろいど 鹿目まどか. Good Smile Company.2011年8月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
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  62. ねんどろいど アルティメットまどか. Good Smile Company.2013年4月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  63. ねんどろいど ぷち 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ. Good Smile Company.2012年2月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  64. 鹿目まどか. Good Smile Company.2012年1月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  65. アルティメットまどか. Good Smile Company.2012年12月.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  66. Good Smile Company.2011年総決算!毎年恒例 「グッスマ取り扱い商品ランキング」 大発表ー!!. Template:Link-ja.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  67. gscmikatan.The 2011 Good Smile Company Product Ranking!. Good Smile Company.2011年12月28日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  68. Good Smile Company.本日より予約受付開始!! 1/8スケール「アルティメットまどか」最速レビューその1!!. Template:Link-ja.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  69. Good Smile Company.2012年終了のお知らせまであと5日!. Template:Link-ja.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  70. gscmikatan.1/8th Scale Ultimate Madoka (Painted – Part 1). Good Smile Company.2012年6月7日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  71. gscmikatan.1/8th Scale Ultimate Madoka (Painted – Part 2). Good Smile Company.2012年6月8日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  72. gscmikatan.1/8th Scale Ultimate Madoka (Painted – Part 3). Good Smile Company.2012年6月12日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  73. RAH MGM 鹿目まどか. Medicom Toy.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  74. 鹿目 まどか. Template:Link-ja.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  75. 鹿目 まどか 【GAグラフィック スペシャルVer.】. Template:Link-ja.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  76. 魔法少女まどかマギカ. Template:Link-ja.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  77. 魔法少女コレクション. 万代.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  78. 魔法少女コレクション2. 万代.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
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