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<blockquote>''"麻 姐,我的愿望实现了 " <br \ > "我怎么可能后悔。" <br \ > "我现在非常幸福哦!"'' - 沙耶 加, [[魔法少女小 第5话 「後 悔なんて、あるわけない」| 第5话]].</blockquote>
{{Infobox animanga character
| colour = #87CEEB
| colour text =
| name = 美樹沙耶香
| japanese = {{lang|ja| 樹 さやか(みき—)}}
| kana = {{lang|ja|みき さやか}}
| romaji =
| series = 《[[魔法少女小圓]]》
| image = Sayaka baka.jpg
| imagesize = 300px
| caption = 電視動畫第8話劇照
| first =
| last =
| creator =
| voiced by = [[日本]]:[[喜多村英梨]]<br />[[美國]]:Sarah Williams
| oaux1 name = 最初設定
| oaux1 = [[蒼樹梅]]
| oaux2 name = 人物設定
| oaux2 = [[岸田隆宏]]
| background ref =
| nickname =
| alias =
| age = 14歲
| gender = 女性
| species =
| birthdate =
| zodiac =
| bloodtype = O型
| height =
| weight =
| born =
| birthplace = 日本
| death =
| deathplace =
| nationality =
| class =
| occupation = 中學學生
| title =
| relatives = 未出場
| paux1 name = 使用武器
| paux1 = [[佩劍 (西方)|西洋劍]]
| divider = yes
| aux1 name = [[最萌大賽|日本動畫最萌大賽]]
| aux1 = 2011年八強<br>2013年準優勝
'''美樹沙耶香''' ({{jpn|j=美樹 さやか(みき—)|hg=みき さやか|rm=Miki Sayaka|f=h}})為[[日本電視動畫]]《[[魔法少女小圓]]》的主要角色之一。 沙耶 香也在[[動畫電影]]《[[劇場版 魔法少女小圓]]》、衍生[[漫畫]]系列《[[魔法少女小織]]》、《[[魔法少女小 圓 〜The different story〜]]》中出場。日文版動畫的[[配音員]]是[[喜多村英梨]]。
見瀧原中學二年級學生,是[[鹿目圓]]的好友與同班同學。武器是被配戴拳套的[[佩劍 (西方)|西洋劍]]。
  在《魔法少女小圓》的系列作品中,存在著魔法少女 魔女化」的設定,美樹沙耶香的魔女型態是'''[[魔法少女小圓角色列表#人魚的魔女|人魚的魔女]]'''。
與[[鹿目圓]]一同踏入魔法少女的世界。專情地暗戀[[青梅竹馬]][[上條恭介]],為了幫助左手遭到不治重傷而被迫放棄小提琴演奏家夢想的恭介,在[[巴麻美]]死 ,與[[丘比 (魔法少女小圓)| 丘比]] 交換契約成為魔法少女。但不久後,沙耶香即面臨麻美生前所說的「為了別人許願的危險」。
非常尊敬為別人而死的麻美,篤信「只為別人使用魔法」的正義信念與行動準則。因此,起初對利己主義的[[佐倉杏子]]相當反感,也相當討厭[[曉美焰]],因為沙耶香誤解焰對麻美見死不救。沙耶香成為魔法少女之初,對作戰充滿自信,是劇中負責牽引故事的「第二主 」<ref name="megami201104_p32" /><ref name="娘type16" /> 。但不久後 沙耶香 得知部份魔法少女的真相,因而感到自卑<ref name="第7話/漫画2巻_p100/脚本_p100" /><ref name="megami201104_p32" />,所以不敢面對上条恭介,此時好友[[ 志築仁美]] 又向沙耶香坦白自己對恭介的心意。自己的身體不再是人,以及突如其來三角關係,種種打擊和內心矛盾使沙耶香越來越忧郁,心理逐渐崩溃,不再淨化靈魂寶石,也不接受圓與杏子的任何關心,持續進行消耗身心的魯莽戰鬥。自暴自棄的舉動,造成靈魂寶石急速污穢,在喪失信念又隨意殺人後,沙耶香終於化身「人魚魔女」,實質死亡<ref name="newtype201105付録" />。親眼目睹悲劇的杏子,與圓聯手嘗試救回沙耶香。行動失敗後,杏子發動自殺攻擊,與沙耶香同歸於盡。其後,早先由杏子保存的沙耶香的遺體被世人發現,在被當作離家出走衰弱而死後,舉行了葬禮。沙耶香走向末路的全過程,是故事殘酷性的象徵,而沙耶香本人則發揮了悲劇女主角的作用<ref name="megami201107付録_p8" />。
|name= 美树沙耶加<br/> 美树 沙耶香<br/> 美树爽
|japname=美樹 さやか (Miki Sayaka)
|cv=[[ 喜多村英梨]]
|age=13-14 (estimated)
  在第10話的某次過去的時間軸, 沙耶 香也魔女化了,此次消滅她的是焰。 沙耶香 的靈魂寶石變成悲嘆之種,被圓暗中保存,其後與「魔女之夜」的戰鬥敗北後,被圓取出,用來淨化焰的靈魂寶石。
* 日文 | 美樹さやか(みき さやか/Miki Sayaka)
* 中译 | 美树 沙耶 加、'''美树 沙耶香'''(正式)、美树爽(华盟字幕组)、美樹鞘香
* 昵称 | 蓝毛、沙耶+、{{涂黑|Oktavia Von Seckendorff}}、<s>阿爽</s>、苍发姬、人鱼公主
在最終話的重新構築的世界 中, 沙耶香仍是魔法少女,與麻美 、焰、 杏子 同作戰 但在一場與魔獸的戰鬥中耗盡力量 自此在世間消失。儘管「許願治癒恭介 彷彿沙耶香無法避免 宿命,但她對此並不後悔 ,在 祝福仁美與恭介 後,接受圓環 引導 自此離世。
* [[见泷原 学]]初中二年生 跟[[鹿目圆]] [[晓美 ]] [[志筑仁美]] 个班级
* 和小圆从小认识 非常照顾小圆
* 印象色蓝色 [[灵魂宝石]]为扁平 「C 」的 形状 变身后围 肚脐的位置
* 身高约158-160cm<ref>根据[[Production Note]]的人设图估算</ref>
* 生日与血型不明
* 仅仅学姐 下位居第二的乳量
* 健康而有活力 体格
* 蓝色短发上别着两个「<」形状的发饰(TV版及BD)
** 总集篇剧场版变成「ff」形状<ref group="注">forte fortissimo 五线谱上代表“最强音”的标记</ref>
* <s>治愈系魔法少女</s>
=== 性格===
==== [新篇]叛逆的物語 ====
* 帅气 男孩子形象
[[劇場版 魔法少女小圓|[新篇]叛逆 物語]]是發生於美樹沙耶香被「圓環之理」引導後 故事 沙耶香做為「圓環之理的隨從」戮力協助鹿目圓。劇中的任務是引導死後的曉 焰,但由於事先察覺丘比 布局 及焰的劇變,因此與百江渚一同負責搬運圓的記憶。沙耶香與圓、渚 行人進入焰的靈魂寶石中的魔女結界-捏造的見瀧原,此地的丘比集中關注圓、焰2人的行動,給予沙耶香暗中破壞丘比企圖 餘裕,同時也配合這個世界的日常生活,等待時機。在這段日子裡,與杏子是同居關係。
* 维护正义与和平 梦想 把麻 学姐视为榜样
* 心底意外地有女性 柔弱
* 喜欢上条恭介
* 认定死理就不听劝告
** 新剧场版{{涂黑|就变圆滑多了}}
*** {{涂黑|<s>所 说笨蛋都是死 遍才能治好 </s>}}
=== 力===
沙耶香被「圓環之理」引導時取得了魔女的力量,除了 能召 喚自己的「替身」-「人魚魔女」之外,還能 過使魔 演奏」召喚她向「被圓環之理引導的少女們」所借用的使魔群。故事中盤與「胡桃鉗魔女」及其使魔大軍作戰的,就 這些魔女與使魔。最後,人魚魔女拿著杏子的長槍,刺穿了「魔女曉美焰」的結界 芎頂外牆。
* 治愈
* 剧 <ref group="注"> 说不定 来自未来 人呢」by 沙耶加</ref>
  因為從「圓環之理」得知世界重新構築前的所有真相,以及魔法少女同伴的來歷與苦惱, 沙耶 香對於自己生前的任性多少感到懊悔,並在捏造的見瀧原竭力彌補這些缺憾。除了與杏子同寢同食、一同戰鬥,與焰的關係也好多了。然而,焰在故事終盤奪取 圓的一部分力量,宇宙法則 再度改寫 沙耶香失去返回 圓環 的方法,遂重新 人(魔法 少女 )的身份,在二度重組的世界生活。其後沙耶香挺身譴責焰的叛逆,但隨即遭到焰的反擊, 沙耶 香將逐漸流失過往的能力與記憶。
* 沙耶 加之歌
* 爽死
* 职阶是老 裱的Saber {{涂黑|后来转职Berserker}}
* 必殺技名: ブレイブ・エッジ(蒼勇 刃(笑))
* 真是个笨蛋
为是美 少女 ?残念!是 沙耶 加酱!
 以 下来自K岛维基:
  通學途中, 意中 恭介與情敵仁美 相偕 出現在沙耶香的 面前 往事已矣 ,沙耶香一 面遮羞 ,一面 百味雜陳地感慨「還 能這樣 互道早安 想像 幸福」
* 蒼樹老師花最久時間設計出 角色
* 虛淵玄本 表示 小圓是蒼樹老師設定的主角,而沙耶香則是他筆下會 出現 的主角,因此會被虛淵成怎樣也不難想像……
**   成為劇情中心的期間,便當菜色活躍程度一直令人十分期待擔憂
**   據本作製作人岩上敦宏所言, 製作過程中新房昭之喜歡上了 沙耶香 ,於是他問虛淵玄能否讓她吐便當,愛 戰士堅定地拒絕了。愛的戰士表現愛的方法果然是發便當,現在想想看也是理所當然的
* 因為出現早,中盤戲份多,種種離奇遭遇提供了MAD職人大量的素材,有「安定のさやか」之譽
* 因為名字、聲優、代表色以及遭遇的關係,和フレッシュプリキュア!的蒼乃美希相關惡搞從沒停過
**   名字:美樹與美希的唸法同為Miki
**   聲優:同為喜多村英梨配音
**   代表色:同為藍色系(但沙耶香偏向藍綠色 美希則是接近深藍色)
**   遭遇: 沙耶香 在劇中被虛淵婊、美希則是在情節以及相關商品甚至是拍攝位置等等無 不被製作群狂婊<ref group="注">比方說在跳舞的時候(不管是FRESH劇中也好DX也好) 只有美希的臉會被字幕擋住不止 次、周邊商品也有那個可怕的鬼 具、強化型態設定上只有她跟其他三人格格不入……雖然子供向的光之美少女不可 讓美希在劇中被婊到死,但 這樣 在各種方面都被婊的光美角色似乎前無古人 就怕也後無來者……</ref>
* 大概就 因為沙耶香下場太悲劇(不管是劇中也好劇末也好),大部分的同人創作除了超S的創作者 外,都會* 盡量讓她遭遇變好一點。
**   最著名 其中一篇同人漫畫大概就是模仿哆啦A夢的畫風讓哆啦A夢亂入小圓劇中痛罵恭介與仁美。
**   部分用RPG製作大師製作的小圓RPG中,沙耶香相關的劇情都會盡可能讓她能夠有好結果
**   改變的點通常是讓她和恭介有好結局(如PSP番外篇)、也有的則是修改她許下的願望以達成好結局
*She describes herself as having been born "petit bourgeois," which is French for "[http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/petite_bourgeoisie petty bourgeois]." This would mean that her family is at least from the middle class, but is by no means from the upper class (despite the fact that, if Japan has even less living space in the future than it does now, her family's apartment is far larger than a normal middle-class family could afford).
  在外傳漫畫《魔法少女小織》中,美樹 沙耶 香與同班同學鹿目圓、曉美焰一同行動,在魔女結界中奮力逃生 親眼目睹圓遇刺身亡 此外,沙耶香對魔法 事情一無所知,也沒見過魔法少女,但在面臨使魔 攻擊時 展現 打算幫助焰的勇氣
*人设里 沙耶 加使用双刃剑 但动画里则变成日本刀+军刀护手 漫画恢复到双刃剑 设定。
*第8话两个牛郎 命运:虚渊玄表示并没有明确设定死活 新房表示动画里并没有杀死。漫画里则是明确被杀 了。
**The train conversation scene between the two hosts is actually based on a real event that [[NewType_2011-05#Sayaka_Train_Interpretation|Gen Urobuchi witnessed.]]
*Sayaka's sword has a [[Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_Art_Book#Sayaka.27s_Sword|scabbard]] but was never used in the anime.
*Sayaka's hairpin disappears when she transforms into magical girl form.
**According to [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica Official Guidebook "You Are Not Alone"#Staff Discussion|Official Guidebook]], both Shinbo and Aoki think it would be better to attach something instead. Aoki has tried adding another hairband with something in star or ball shape, but that would make her look like playing in a serious fight so she gave up such idea. Urobuchi said a cloak is flashy enough, however.
***[[Manga Time Kirara Magica]] volume 1 showed Sayaka in her transformed state with a [[media:Sayaka_hairpin_Manga_Time_Kirara_Magica_1.jpg|new hairpin]] in the shape of ƒƒ, the musical notation for "fortissimo" or "very loud." This fits her musical theme and her bold personality. Apparently the staff finally found a design they're happy with.
****And finally the staff have the chance to give her that hairpin in the [[Madoka Magica Movie]]. According to Director Shinbo, this can be seem as compensation for her since she is such a character always suffers the fate.
*Eri Kitamura (Sayaka) [[:file:4chan comment living sayaka.jpg|likes the company of other seiyuu]], besides Ai Nonaka ([[Kyoko]]).
*According with Gen Urobuchi, even if Sayaka won over Kyousuke, [[Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_Official_Guidebook_"You_Are_Not_Alone"#Page_120|she would never be happy with him.]]
**This doesnt seem to bother [[Yuri_undertones#Sayaka_and_Kyoko|the yurifan crowd.]]
*In an interview, when asked about Madoka's casual clothes, Shinbo said that he forgot to have a scene where Sayaka also wear casual wears. He feels a little regret.
==Speculations and Observations==
===魔法少女小圓 〜The different story〜===
<blockquote>''"Wishing for someone else's happiness means someone has to be cursed to suffer as much. That's what it means to be a Puella Magi."'' - Sayaka Miki, [[Episode 8]].</blockquote>
在外傳漫畫《魔法少女小圓 〜The different story〜》,美樹沙耶香比正篇故事更早締結契約,契機是為了解救巴麻美在「零食魔女」戰鬥中的危機。此外,也更早面臨恭介與仁美之間的三角關係。在失戀的陰影下,沙耶香違背自己的正義觀,目睹仁美被魔 襲擊時束手旁觀。隨之而來的罪惡感,讓沙耶香戰鬥時的注意力分散,因而導致麻美受傷。為了負責,沙耶香以「自己失去正義夥伴的資格,也沒有與麻美組隊的資格」的理由,解除與麻美的合作關係。再加上恭介被鹿目圓告知其左手康復的真相,沙耶香基於「不想讓自己不好的地方被知道」的想法,陷入更大的苦惱,也讓靈魂寶石跟著混濁。
*Many fans believed Sayaka is the [[Witch_from_the_dream_in_episode_one|witch in Madoka's dream]] at the beginning of Episode 1. However, this has been disproved by [[Oktavia von Seckendorff|Sayaka's witch form]] hinted in [[Episode 8]] and shown in full in [[Episode 9]], which is entirely different in appearance from the witch Madoka saw.
*While using her magic, [[Deciphering the notes|circles of notes]] are sometimes seen around or near her. This is believed to be related to her wish to heal [[Kamijou]].
**Due to the nature of her wish, Sayaka has self-healing abilities and great endurance. In battle, she can combine this self-healing special ability with magical techniques that detach her senses and block all forms of pain, becoming a nearly unstoppable berserker.
* School uniform: Her figure is flat and plain, but her chest is bigger than Madoka’s. Her hairbow is a stitched design. Below, she wears simple navy-blue high socks.
* Sayaka seems to have had an extremely black-and-white and idealistic vision of love, which seems to have contributed to her breakdown. She made a contract to heal the arm of the boy she has a crush on (Kamijou), but after learning the truth about the Magical Girl contract, she felt that she couldn't approach him, and this wasn't helped by Kamijou's obliviousness to her feelings and Hitomi's more assertive behavior that ended up with Hitomi becoming Kamijou's girlfriend, unaware of Sayaka's problem. This threw her in a self-destructive spiral, in which she refused help from others (especially Kyoko, Homura and Madoka), seeking to either die or kill to dull the pain.
* Sayaka is the only Puella Magi in the series to wear a cloak.
** The cloak or cape could be symbolic to emphasize her ideal role as a knight of justice or a hero to the defenseless; a desire to become a role model just like Mami.
* The cutlass is a well-known nautical weapon for sailors and pirates, probably an attempt to connect Sayaka to the element of water.
** Water is usually considered to be an element of healing and purification in religion and mythology. Major faiths incorporate ritual washing.
* The "C" Motif could relate to the link between her and music. In [[wikipedia:Medieval_music|Medieval music]], the [[wikipedia:Gregorian_chant|Gregorian Chant]] system uses a C-like figure to denote a "[[wikipedia:Do_(musical_note)|Do]]" in a staff.
* It seems Sayaka does not always contract with Kyubey in all timelines. What happened to her if she does not contract is unknown. But once she get contracted, her fate is always becoming a witch.
*The grief seed, which Madoka used for purifying Homura's Soul Gem in Episode 10's Timeline 3, may be Sayaka herself (likely to be transformed from Sayaka's Soul Gem). This is because the 5 lines being seen on grief seed look like the musical Staff.
* The Blu-Ray version of Sayaka's transformation is accompanied with a display of musical scores and [[Deciphering the notes|circles of notes]].
** It is suspected that the notes are from [[wikipedia:Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska|Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska]]'s [[wikipedia:Maiden's_Prayer|A Maiden's Prayer]] ([http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14820939 乙 の祈り])
*** The irony wont be missed with those familiar with {{Spoiler|Kyoko's prayer in Episode 9.}}
*** The [http://www.cowboylyrics.com/tabs/wills-bob/maidens-prayer-298.html lyrics of the song] could be interpreted as Sayaka's prayer for a miracle to heal [[Kyousuke]]'s hand {{spoiler|and the foreshadowing of her tragic ending with her wish.}}
* Sayaka calls other main characters their first names only, except Homura and Mami.
** The way she calls Homura varies in every timeline. This reflects how she sees Homura.
** In the novel, it is written that Sayaka is easy to get familiar with her classmates and talk to them.
*The [[Drama CD 2|Drama CD ''"Sunny Day Life"'']] gives the impression that Sayaka is not a bright student.
**It gets worse, even if Madoka's test scores are low, they are higher than Sayaka's.
***We usually see Sayaka sleeping in class. No wonder she gets low scores.
===Sayaka's Farewell===
<blockquote>''"It's fine. I just wanted to hear him perform one more time. I wanted many people to hear his violin. Just remembering that feeling is enough for me. I don't have any regrets left." <br> "But I am a bit upset about how things turned out. I can't help the way things went with Hitomi-chan. She's way too good for Kyosuke, but I am sure she'll make him happy, won't she?"'' Sayaka's last conversation with Madoka, [[Episode 12]]. </blockquote>
*Sayaka still dies in the new world, but this time she passes without regrets from her choice.
* Even though Sayaka is the only supporting character of the series to remain dead in the new world created by Madoka (due to using all her magic), the fact that Sayaka and Madoka were able to meet up one last time to watch Kamijou's violin playing, along with the nature of Madoka's wish, has resulted in many fans suggesting that Sayaka's soul, although erased from the world, now resides in the same plane of existence that Madoka inhabits, where she will watch over all the other Puella Magi along with Madoka.
** Of course, this could be because Madoka personally visited every Magical Girl in all of time before they turned into Witches {{spoiler|and instead let them merely die, ''before'' she was erased from reality as a regular girl.}}. She could easily have taken Sayaka to see Kamijou perform Ave Maria during this brief meeting. {{spoiler|She did become a goddess, after all}}.
** According with Mami and her understanding of "The Law of Wheels", as a result of a Puella Magi having sought a wish brings despair into the world, her spirit disappears before that happens.
** It is suggested that Madoka's presence is there to help Sayaka to move on, to help her ease her ending so she would have no regrets.
*** Madoka informs Sayaka that she could have changed Sayaka's fate but in doing so she would have interfered with Kyosuke's fate as well and he wouldnt be able to play the violin. So Madoka decided to respect Sayaka's choice and tearfully Sayaka is fine with it.
* In the new timeline created by Madoka, she is not only allowed to listen to Kyousuke's performance, but she is also given the choice to become a knight of justice to the very end, erasing her fate of becoming a witch, an enemy of her beliefs in her mind.
**It appears that Sayaka also remembers who Madoka is in the new timeline created by the latter. This is due to Sayaka's choice of words when conversing with Madoka in episode 12; while watching Kamijou play the violin in a private session, Sayaka confesses to Madoka that she has caused her best friend a lot of trouble. This suggests that Sayaka is aware, or at least has some understanding of the emotional hurt she had inflicted on Madoka (and possibly her other friends) in the previous timelines because of her stubbornness to hold true to her own ideals, which led to her Witch transformation.
*** In that scene, Madoka says, "No, I have to apologize, too. To save you I had to erase it all. And this future will disappear, too." This suggests that the scene happens before the universe resets. The Miki Sayaka of the new world may not remember Madoka.
**** It's all metaphysics, who is to say at this point.
*At the Otakon 2012 panel, Urobuchi explained the reason why Sayaka had to die, <i>"This was something that director Shinbo proposed at one of the dubbing sessions, that Sayaka Miki could've been kept alive in the story. But my conviction was that in order for the audience to really understand why Madoka became a God at the end, it was important that she die. After all was said and done, Shinbo said to me that the amount of responsibility placed on a middle school girl may have been too much. We explore that more in the movie."</i>[http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/convention/2012/otakon/4].
== 相关剧情==
== 角色設計==
美樹沙耶香的外表看似男孩,但是內心相當少女情懷<ref name="オトナアニメvol21_p20" />。為了表達這些雙重性質,人物設定原案[[蒼樹梅]]將頭髮的長度繪製成左右不對稱<ref name="公式ガイド_さやか" />。展現女性氣質的右側頭髮較長,但是[[裙子]]比較短,而男性化的左側頭髮較短,但是裙子較長<ref name="公式ガイド_さやか" />。美樹沙耶香平時使用黃色的髮夾,變身後則無任何髮飾(電視動畫版),但在劇場版加入了[[音樂符號]]的造型髮飾。
=== 广播剧===
美樹沙耶香以近距離戰鬥為主<ref name="megami201104_p34" />,但是也能投擲刀劍,具有遠距離攻擊的能力(例如第5話)。美樹沙耶香也能夠使用劍身可以鬆脫成若干節段的[[蛇腹劍]]<ref name="公式ガイド_p94" /><ref name="公式ガイド_pp112-113" />。負責撰寫[[劇本]]的[[虛淵玄]]將她設計成具有強韌機動力的魔法少女<ref name="megami201103_p32" />。
====Sunny Day Life====
== 特色==
*The ''[[Drama CD 2|"Sunny Day Life"]]'' Drama CD depicts Sayaka checking Hitomi's panties with ''dubious'' interest. Making her look like some sort of pervert.
美樹沙耶香是[[鹿目圓]]最要好的同班同學,頭髮呈現藍色<ref name="公式ガイド_さやか" />。美樹沙耶香与天才小提琴少年上条恭介是青梅竹马,後來为了治愈他受傷的左手而與丘比交換契約,成为魔法少女。她成为魔法少女後,使用[[劍]](动画中为[[佩剑 (西方)|军刀]],在漫画中为[[西洋剑]]。)當作武器,以劍士的形象出現。由於美樹沙耶香許下的願望與治愈有關,所以受到傷害時的治癒及恢復力都極高<ref name="第5話/漫画2巻_p31/脚本_p74" />,雖然戰鬥技巧並不出色,但是活力十足<ref name="megami201104_p34" />。美樹沙耶香持有的靈魂寶石(soul gem)是藍色,變身後呈新月形狀鑲嵌在肚子上。
**Even Madoka knows this is wrong.
[[File:Sayaka trans.gif|thumb|444px|center| 劇場版[前篇],美樹沙耶香變身討伐使魔。]]
=== 魔法少女织莉子===
=== 人物評價===
<blockquote>''"Madoka, what are you going to do after you get there? [...] I don't know why Homura is fighting against those things. But there is no way you can help, Madoka. You'll just slow down Homura. That's why...I'll go help her!"''</blockquote>
美樹沙耶香個性積極、活潑並富有正義感<ref name="アニメディア201103" /> ,具有解決問題的行動力<ref name=" 娘type16" /> 。另一方面,美樹沙耶香對於深信不疑的信念不容易被他人說服,也容易鑽牛角尖,被認為是不適合魔法少女的個性<ref name=" 第5話" />
<blockquote>''"We're friends, right? We can't abandon [[Homura Akemi|her]]."'' - Sayaka Miki, [[Oriko_Magica#Chapter_7.2C_the_final_chapter:_To_protect_my_world|Puella Magi Oriko Magica, Chapter 7]].</blockquote>
*Sayaka is mentioned in Chapter 3. She does not appear until chapter 4, however. Sayaka is also protected by [[Homura]] so that she never gets contracted there.
*Unlike the other timelines, she considers Homura as a friend, as she declared in chapter 7.
*She helped Hitomi to escape from familiars' attacks from chapter 5-7, when Mitakihara Junior High is covered with a witch's barrier. Madoka reunites with them, and together, they go to help Homura.  {{spoiler|Madoka is killed by Oriko, and Sayaka and Hitomi are seen mourning her just before Homura resets the timeline.}}
===魔法少女和 ===
Sayaka's and Oktavia's silhouettes appeared once during Umika's explanation about Witches, as she says that witches are the end state of magical girls.
===魔法少女小 圆 the different story===
=== 戰績===
Sayaka acts more like a perfectionist than she was in other media. She often obsess over the mistakes that she make and very conscious of other people's expectations.
設定上,美樹沙耶香是沒有天份、經驗不足的魔法少女,但維持了對魔女戰鬥的不敗紀錄。迄今只有[[ 魔法少女小 圓角色列表#主角|其他魔法少女們]]曾打敗美樹沙耶香。
*There is a [[Dengeki PlayStation 2012-02|Sayaka route]] in the game, which is different from the anime. The scenario is supervised by Gen Urobuchi who wrote the script for the anime series. But there are multiple different 'if' developments. There is a different 'Sayaka route', in which it is possible to prevent Sayaka from becoming a witch. She may fight with other magical girls.
**It is possible to have a better ending, or to have a more cruel one than the anime, depending on the player's choices.
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width:100%;"
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
!戰鬥對象 !! 時間 !! 戰鬥結果 !! 致勝招式 !! 附註
|「箱」的魔女|| 第4話 ||style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 砍殺 ||
|使魔「童心」|| 第5話 || 中斷 || - ||
|[[ 佐倉杏子]]|| 第5話 || 中斷 || - ||
|佐倉杏子|| 第6話 || 中斷 || - |
| 「影」的魔女|| 第7話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 砍殺 ||
|不明|| 第8話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 砍殺 || 劇場版刪除。
!style="text-align:left; padding:10px;"|Warning, this section contains spoilers.
|[[曉美焰]]|| 第8話 || 中斷  || - || 劇場版刪除。
|style="padding:10px; background:#fff;"|It is possible to stop Sayaka's insanity and her transformation into a witch in the Sayaka route or [[Dengeki_PlayStation_2012-03-29#Notes_on_the_game|Homura route]] of the PSP Game.
|佐倉杏子|| 第9話 || style="background-color: silver;" | 敗北 || - || 陣亡。
**Kyoko can prevent Sayaka from becoming a witch.
**In the Bonus Route, Sayaka has a confrontation with Hitomi about Kyousuke.
|[[鹿目圓]]<br>曉美焰<br>[[巴麻美]]<br>佐倉杏子|| 第10話 || style="background-color: silver;" |敗北 || - || 陣亡。
|[[魔法少女小圓角色列表# 魔獸|魔獸]]|| 第12話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || - || 陣亡。
|[[ 魔法少女小圓角色列表#夢魘|夢魘]]|| 劇場版[新篇] || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || - || 四人戰鬥。
|夢魘|| 劇場版[新篇] || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 五劍齊發 || 「神聖五重奏」。
|曉美焰|| 劇場版[新篇] || 中斷 || - || 魔女結界內。
|[[魔法少女小圓角色列表# 胡桃鉗魔女| 「胡桃鉗」魔女]]<br>使魔「衛兵團」<br>使魔「護衛」<br>使魔「蛀牙」<br>使魔「鳥」<br>使魔「偽街的孩子們」|| 劇場版[新篇] || style="background-color: #c96;" |勝利<br>(敵方詐降) || 巨大長槍 ||
|「惡魔」曉美焰|| 劇場版[新篇] || style="background-color: silver;" | 敗北 || - || 記憶遭竄改。
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
!戰鬥對象 !! 時間 !! 戰鬥結果 !! 致勝招式 !! 附註
! 经典台词集(credit: K岛维基)
|佐倉杏子|| [[魔法少女小圓漫畫作品#魔法少女小圓 〜The different story〜|〜The different story〜]] 第4話 || 中斷 || - ||
|某魔女|| 〜The different story〜 第5話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 砍殺 ||
|某魔女|| 〜The different story〜 第5話-第6話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || - || 巴麻美重傷。曉美焰、佐倉杏子中途參戰。
|「零食」的魔女|| 〜The different story〜 第7話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || - ||
|「影」的魔女|| 〜The different story〜 第8話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || - || 隨後魔女化。
|佐倉杏子|| 〜The different story〜 第11話 || style="background-color: silver;" |敗北 || - || 陣亡。
|魔女之夜|| 〜The different story〜 最終話 || 不明 || - || 勝負無意義。
|「箱」的魔女|| 焰Revenge 第4話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 砍殺 ||
|使魔「童心」|| 焰Revenge 第5話 || style="background-color: gold;" | 勝利 || 砍殺 ||
|曉美焰|| 焰Revenge 第5話-第7話 || 中斷 || - || 中途魔女化。
*「可愛い女の子かと思った? 残念! さやかちゃんでした!」
== 現實中的迴響==
== 萌战战绩==
  [[ 日本]][[ 網路論壇]][[2ch]] 舉辦的2011年[[ 最萌大賽| 動畫最萌大賽]] ({{lang|ja| アニメ最萌トーナメント}} ;人氣動畫女角評選),美樹沙耶香最終入圍8強。2013年晉身準優勝(第2名)<ref>[http://acst13.saimoe.me/ アニメ最萌トーナメント2013]</ref>
* 日萌 2011
** (待补充)止步八强
* 日萌2013
** (待补充)准萌
==Magazine Articles & Interviews==
*[[Animedia_2011-05#Eri_Kitamura_.28Sayaka.29_Data_File|Eri Kitamura Data file]]
*[[Eri Kitamura February 2011 Radio Interview]]
*[[NewType_2011-07#Sayaka_Character_Description|July's NewType article]].
=== Official art ===
File:Sayaka Miki Anime Design.jpg
File:Sayaka Miki Original Design.jpg|Original character design by Ume Aoki
File:KyoSaya.jpg|Sayaka as a child
File:Artbook Sayaka Sword Drawing 1.jpg|sketches
File:Sayaka blade.png|Sayaka's cutlass
File:Ume madoka.jpg|[[Ume Aoki|Ume]] 4-koma Megami Magazine
File:Madoka_BD2_Ume_4koma_TL.png|Ume Aoki's 4koma from the Madoka BD 2 fanbook
File:BD 4 Ume 4koma TL.jpg|Ume Aoki's 4koma from the Madoka BD 4 fanbook
File:Apricot +6.jpg|[[Ume Aoki]] doujin "RKGKMDK" from COMIC1☆5, under Apricot+ alias
File:10.jpg|Ume shipping Kyoko and Sayaka in her doujin
File:Apricot +9.jpg|Fan translation of Kyoko x Sayaka page 1
File:Ume sensei doujin kyosaya 1.jpg|Fan translation of Kyoko x Sayaka page 2
File:15.jpg|Sayaka seems smitten
File:Artbook Sayaka Drawing 1.jpg
File:BLT Sayaka Illustration.jpg|B.L.T. 2011-06
File:BD 3 Scan 9.jpg|from the Blu-Ray Volume 3 Booklet.
File:Newtype 07 2011 p12 p13.jpg
File:SayakaInOrikoMagica.png|Sayaka as she appears in Oriko Magica.
File:Sayaka prodsketch.jpg|Early production sketch of Sayaka.
File:Nitroblog sayaka kyoko comiket.jpg|art from Nitroplus blog
=== Screenshots ===
==== Sayaka as a regular girl ====
File:Sayaka Madoka ep1.jpg|Protecting Madoka in episode one.
File:Spiked_bat.jpg|The moment Sayaka swung the bat, it turned into a spiked mace.
File:Height of 3girls.jpg|Sayaka is not the tallest of the three.
File:Madoka_ Sayaka_Hitomi.gif|Sayaka & friends
File:Madoka_Sayaka_Hitomi_playing.gif|Madoka Sayaka Hitomi playing
File:Sayaka having lunch.gif|Sayaka having lunch with friends
File:Sayaka put out Homura.gif|Sayaka "put out" Homura by using fire extinguisher.
File:Sayaka smile.gif|Sayaka laughing
File:Sayaka pointing madoka face.gif|Sayaka pointing at Madoka's face
File:Sayaka crying.gif|Sayaka crying
File:Sayaka feels happy.gif|Sayaka feels happy.
File:Sayaka sleeping during lesson.gif|Sayaka sleeping during class
==== Sayaka as a Puella Magi ====
File:Sayaka becomes Puella Magi.gif|Sayaka becomes Puella Magi
File:Sayaka screenshot on BD_DVD.jpg|Sayaka screenshot on BD_DVD.
File:Sayaka-music-healing-circles.jpg|The music circles that appear when Sayaka heals herself.
File:Embarassed Sayaka.gif|Embarassed Sayaka
File:Sayaka transformation.gif|Sayaka's transformation sequence
File:BD_Sayaka_henshin.gif|Change in transformation scene on BD/DVD
File:Sayaka transform BD.gif|screenshot
File:Sayaka fighting with Kyoko.gif|Sayaka fighting with Kyoko
File:Sayaka fighting with Kyoko2.gif|Sayaka fighting with Kyoko
File:Sayaka knocked out by Homura.gif|Sayaka knocked out by Homura
File:Sayaka and Kyoko.gif|Sayaka and Kyoko
File:Sayaka get mad.gif|Sayaka get mad
File:Baka.jpg|Sayaka in despair
File:Sayaka ring.png|Sayaka's ring
File:Sayaka soul gem.jpg|A view of her soul gem
==== Sayaka as a witch ====
File:Sayaka becomes a witch.gif|Sayaka becomes a witch
File:Sayaka transformation witch.gif|Sayaka's transformation sequence into a witch
File:Sayaka grief seed.gif|
File:Sayaka_witch.PNG|Sayaka's witch form - front view
File:Sayaka_witch4.PNG|Sayaka's witch form - side view
=== Fanart ===
File:Sayaka death flag.jpg
File:Madoka sayaka children happy.jpg|Madoka and Sayaka are childhood friends.
File:Little Sayaka.gif|Fan made young Sayaka gif.
File:WitchSayaka1.jpg|Fan redrawing of Sayaka in witch form.
File:WitchSayaka2.jpg|Annotated fan redrawing of Sayaka in witch form.
FIle:Fan artwork oktavia.jpg|A fan's illustration of Oktavia
File:Fanart sayaka magica.jpg
File:Aoki ume sayaka doujin art.jpg|Fan coloring of Ume's work
File:Fan creation Sayaka Soul Gem Jewelry.jpg|Fan jewelry cretion of Sayaka's Soul Gem with a musical note.
File:Sayaka alt hairstyle glasses.jpg
File:Fanwork sayaka @nisiedas.jpg|[http://www.nisieda.com/ Nishida]
File:Hanaharu_kyouko_sayaka.jpg|Artist: Hanaharu Naruko
File:Sayaka oktavia sword blood.jpg|
File:Puella magi sayaka magica.jpg|Sayaka is the real heroine of the show!
File:Older sayaka oktavia.jpg|Oktavia the hawt mermaid witch.
File:Sayaka the dark knight.jpg|The TRUE Dark Knight.
File:Witchstaynight sayaka poster fan.jpg|Movie voice guy: <i>In a world where... Puella Magi are now free. In a world where... Witches are now gone. There are still sins to be undone. As one redeemed by Madoka, Sayaka could have spend all eternity blissfully in Mahou Shoujo Valhalla. But instead she chose to atone for her sins. In order to become one of MadoKami's angels she will have to face her enemy within... without the Goddess' help</i>
File:Sayaka fan rpg.gif
File:Sayaka pixel mugen.gif
File:Kyosaya I am such a fool comic.jpg
File:Sayaka growing up fanart.jpg|Growing up sucks.
File:Sayaka soul gem grief seed tranf pic.jpg
File:Miki Sayaka Crossing the Alps fanart.png
File:Badass sayaka swords rift fanart.jpg
File:We are such fools.jpg|An artistic dramatization of Sayaka's school life.
File:Sayaka bat animated fan creation.gif
File:Girls with glasses are moe not.jpg|Poor Sayaka, she ends up being the butt of the joke in many fanarts.
File:Sayaka Oktavia shadow battle against Elsa Maria.jpg
File:JoJomagica-sayaka.jpg|Silver Chariots Sayaka
=== Miscellaneous ===
因為美樹沙耶香為魔法少女的主要角色之一,在《魔法少女小圓》的[[藍光光碟]]以及[[數位多功能影音光碟|DVD光碟]]第3卷<ref>{{Cite web |url= http://www.madoka-magica.com/tv/bddvd/03.html |title= {{lang|ja|魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 3}} |author=  |date= 2011年8月24日 |publisher= Magica Quartet |language= 日文 |accessdate= 2013年7月14日查閱 |quote= }}</ref> 、第4卷<ref>{{Cite web |url= http://www.madoka-magica.com/tv/bddvd/04.html |title= {{lang|ja|魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 4}} |author=  |date= 2011年8月24日 |publisher= Magica Quartet |language= 日文 |accessdate= 2013年7月14日查閱 |quote=  }}</ref>以及第6卷的封-{面包}- 裝中出現<ref>{{Cite web |url= http://www.madoka-magica.com/tv/bddvd/06.html |title= {{lang|ja| 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 6}} |author=  |date= 2011年8月24日 |publisher= Magica Quartet |language= 日文 |accessdate= 2013年7月14日查閱 |quote=  }}</ref>
File:Sayaka-symbol.png|Her gem has a c-shaped(?) motif.
File:Sayaka-soul-gem-grief-seed-transition.JPG|Sayaka's transformation into a witch.
File:WitchSayaka-screenshots.jpg|Screenshots off which the redrawings are based on.
File:Madoka hands 2.jpg|The grief seed, which Madoka used for purifying [[Homura]]'s Soul Gem in [[Episode 10]]'s Timeline 3, may be Sayaka herself(transformed from Sayaka's Soul Gem). It is because the 5 lines being seen on grief seed look like the musical Staff.
File:Mangarunes.jpg|Sayaka turns into a witch in manga. (Turned 90 degrees)
File:PN 66.jpg|According to the [[Puella Magi Production Note]], Sayaka's sword is similar to Kyoko's spear in which the blade can break in linked pieces. It could be use to wrap an enemy with it.
File:Guidebook production design 01.jpg|According to the [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica Official Guidebook "You Are Not Alone"|Guidebook]], Sayaka's sword may be used as a dynamite projector. This looks more like the way in Kamen Rider than in Mahou Shoujo.
File:Sayaka's Room.jpg|Sayaka's room from production notes.
File:Sayaka_hairpin_Manga_Time_Kirara_Magica_1.jpg|Sayaka's revised fortissimo hairpin in [[Manga Time Kirara Magica]] volume 1.
==更 多==
與美樹沙耶香相關的玩偶也陸續推出,其中主要設計人形玩偶的[[Good Smile Company]]分別推出過數款[[figma]]人偶與[[黏土人]]玩偶。在2012年時由Good Smile Company公布的銷售排行榜之中,黏土人模型排行第13位,[[figma]]人偶則是第10位<ref>[http://ameblo.jp/gsc-mikatan/entry-11435200117.html 2012年総決算!「グッスマ取り扱い商品&色々ランキング」 大発表ー!!|フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤務 『ミカタンブログ -押上駅から17up-』 ]</ref>。[[Amazon.co.jp]]公布的銷售排行榜之中,黏土人模型排行第13位,[[figma]]人偶則是第14位<ref>[[Amazon.co.jp]][http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/feature.html/ref=br_lf_m_3077057086_pglink_next?ie=UTF8&docId=3077057086&plgroup=2&plpage=2 2011年12月1日から2012年11月30日までの売り上げランキングを発表。]</ref>
=== 注释===
<references group="注" />
=== 出处===
=== 名言===
<references />
為慶祝《[[劇場版 魔法少女小圓]]》上映而舉辦的角色名言前15名投票中,美樹沙耶香入選的有:<ref>{{Cite web |url= http://news.gamme.com.tw/360724 |title= 《魔法少女小圓》網友票選 15句難忘名台詞公開 |author= 小狄 |date= 2012年10月5日 |publisher= 宅宅新聞 |language=  |accessdate= 2013年7月14日查閱 |quote=  }}{{zh-tw}}</ref>
[[category: 角色]]
:此外,時常被[[同人]]創作引用的[[ 哏]]有:
[[category:魔 法少女]]
:*只有[[佐倉杏子|妳]] 絕對不可原諒!(第6話)
:*最難過的是[[ 晓美焰|她]]自己。(劇場版[新篇])
:*即使如此,我唯獨不會忘記-曉美焰,妳身為惡 的事實。(劇場版[新篇])

2014年5月3日 (六) 16:41的版本

Template:Pathnav Template:Infobox animanga character 美树沙耶香Template:Jpn)为日本电视动画魔法少女小圆》的主要角色之一。美树沙耶香也在动画电影剧场版 魔法少女小圆》、衍生漫画系列《魔法少女小织》、《魔法少女小圆 〜The different story〜》中出场。日文版动画的配音员喜多村英梨
















魔法少女小圆 〜The different story〜

在外传漫画《魔法少女小圆 〜The different story〜》,美树沙耶香比正篇故事更早缔结契约,契机是为了解救巴麻美在“零食魔女”战斗中的危机。此外,也更早面临恭介与仁美之间的三角关系。在失恋的阴影下,沙耶香违背自己的正义观,目睹仁美被魔女袭击时束手旁观。随之而来的罪恶感,让沙耶香战斗时的注意力分散,因而导致麻美受伤。为了负责,沙耶香以“自己失去正义伙伴的资格,也没有与麻美组队的资格”的理由,解除与麻美的合作关系。再加上恭介被鹿目圆告知其左手康复的真相,沙耶香基于“不想让自己不好的地方被知道”的想法,陷入更大的苦恼,也让灵魂宝石跟著混浊。







美树沙耶香是鹿目圆最要好的同班同学,头发呈现蓝色[7]。美树沙耶香与天才小提琴少年上条恭介是青梅竹马,后来为了治愈他受伤的左手而与丘比交换契约,成为魔法少女。她成为魔法少女后,使用(动画中为军刀,在漫画中为西洋剑。)当作武器,以剑士的形象出现。由于美树沙耶香许下的愿望与治愈有关,所以受到伤害时的治愈及恢复力都极高[12],虽然战斗技巧并不出色,但是活力十足[8]。美树沙耶香持有的灵魂宝石(soul gem)是蓝色,变身后呈新月形状镶嵌在肚子上。

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战斗对象 时间 战斗结果 致胜招式 附注
“箱”的魔女 第4话 胜利 砍杀
使魔“童心” 第5话 中断
佐仓杏子 第5话 中断
佐仓杏子 第6话 中断
“影”的魔女 第7话 胜利 砍杀
不明 第8话 胜利 砍杀 剧场版删除。
晓美焰 第8话 中断 剧场版删除。
佐仓杏子 第9话 败北 阵亡。
第10话 败北 阵亡。
魔兽 第12话 胜利 阵亡。
梦魇 剧场版[新篇] 胜利 四人战斗。
梦魇 剧场版[新篇] 胜利 五剑齐发 “神圣五重奏”。
晓美焰 剧场版[新篇] 中断 魔女结界内。
剧场版[新篇] 胜利
“恶魔”晓美焰 剧场版[新篇] 败北 记忆遭窜改。

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战斗对象 时间 战斗结果 致胜招式 附注
佐仓杏子 〜The different story〜 第4话 中断
某魔女 〜The different story〜 第5话 胜利 砍杀
某魔女 〜The different story〜 第5话-第6话 胜利 巴麻美重伤。晓美焰、佐仓杏子中途参战。
“零食”的魔女 〜The different story〜 第7话 胜利
“影”的魔女 〜The different story〜 第8话 胜利 随后魔女化。
佐仓杏子 〜The different story〜 第11话 败北 阵亡。
魔女之夜 〜The different story〜 最终话 不明 胜负无意义。
“箱”的魔女 焰Revenge 第4话 胜利 砍杀
使魔“童心” 焰Revenge 第5话 胜利 砍杀
晓美焰 焰Revenge 第5话-第7话 中断 中途魔女化。





许多与美树沙耶香相关的玩偶也陆续推出,其中主要设计人形玩偶的Good Smile Company分别推出过数款figma人偶与黏土人玩偶。在2012年时由Good Smile Company公布的销售排行榜之中,黏土人模型排行第13位,figma人偶则是第10位[19]Amazon.co.jp公布的销售排行榜之中,黏土人模型排行第13位,figma人偶则是第14位[20]


为庆祝《剧场版 魔法少女小圆》上映而举办的角色名言前15名投票中,美树沙耶香入选的有:[21]

  • 这就是萌吗?这就是萌点吗?!(第1话)
  • 我真是个坏孩子啊。(第4话)
  • 回想起来,那时的我还一无所知。无论是奇迹的意义,还是代价...(第4话)
  • 怎么可能会后悔。(第5话)
  • 只有绝对不可原谅!(第6话)
  • 真的呢!只要熟练的话,痛觉什么的都能消除了!(第7话)
  • 这个世界有守护的价值吗?(第8话)
  • 我就是你所知道的我喔,转学生。(剧场版[新篇])
  • 最难过的是自己。(剧场版[新篇])
  • 即使如此,我唯独不会忘记-晓美焰,你身为恶魔的事实。(剧场版[新篇])
  • 1.0 1.1 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为megami201104_p32的引用提供文字
  • 2.0 2.1 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为娘type16的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为第7話/漫画2巻_p100/脚本_p100的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为newtype201105付録的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为megami201107付録_p8的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为オトナアニメvol21_p20的引用提供文字
  • 7.0 7.1 7.2 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为公式ガイド_さやか的引用提供文字
  • 8.0 8.1 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为megami201104_p34的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为公式ガイド_p94的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为公式ガイド_pp112-113的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为megami201103_p32的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为第5話/漫画2巻_p31/脚本_p74的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为アニメディア201103的引用提供文字
  • 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为第5話的引用提供文字
  • アニメ最萌トーナメント2013
  • 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 3. Magica Quartet.2011年8月24日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  • 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 4. Magica Quartet.2011年8月24日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  • 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 6. Magica Quartet.2011年8月24日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅].
  • 2012年総决算!“グッスマ取り扱い商品&色々ランキング” 大発表ー!!|フィギュアメーカー・グッドスマイルカンパニー勤务 ‘ミカタンブログ -押上駅から17up-’
  • Amazon.co.jp2011年12月1日から2012年11月30日までの売り上げランキングを発表。
  • 小狄.《魔法少女小圆》网友票选 15句难忘名台词公开. 宅宅新闻.2012年10月5日.[2013年7月14日查阅查阅]. Template:Zh-tw