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- 晓美焰, 第10话.

名字(日语) 暁美 ほむら (Akemi Homura)
CV 斋藤千和
年龄 13-14 (estimated)
武器 左手盾(储存空间+时停道具+S/L道具),各种军火(土炸弹、手枪、机关枪等),弓箭(12话的新世界




  • 日文 | 暁美ほむら(あけみ ほむら/Akemi Homura)
  • 中译 | 晓美焰
  • 昵称 | 小焰、黑长直、黑麻花、吼姆啦、吼姆吼姆(轰穆轰穆)、全垒打


  • 从东京的教会学校转入见泷原中学的初中二年生,跟鹿目圆美树沙耶加志筑仁美在一个班级
  • 成绩优秀,容姿端丽,体育万能[1]
  • 冷酷的冰山美人,柔顺的长发因为常用飘柔维护
  • 最初虚渊玄曾制定晓美焰的印象色为红色,但是苍树梅表示虽然记得但下笔时就忘了[2]
  • 印象色为黑/紫色,灵魂宝石为菱形,变身后嵌在左手手背
  • 最喜欢新房45°回眸
  • 黑色裤袜上有紫色菱形格子装饰prpr
  • 身高155-158cm左右[3]
  • 生日、血型未明
  • 订立契约的愿望是取回体重“希望能和鹿目圆的相遇重新来过,并且这次要由自己保护她而不是被她保护。”
  • 因而魔法能力是(Otona Anime Vol. 20)虚渊玄所说 "焰的那个看上去是盾的武器实际是个砂时计。当砂流被阻挡的时候,时间即被停止。当砂时计的上部没有砂时,砂时计会还原,时间会倒流一个月。 但在到达这个阶段之前,只能进行时间停止操作。这意味着焰的魔法能力是操纵砂时计内与一个月时间等量的砂。 至于时间的流逝和回溯, 由于这并不是工作的重点,我没有太深入的去考虑.。我认为你可以理解成世界分裂并形成了平行世界。"
    • 相当符合个人性格“你又想躲进只有自己的时间吗?”BY沙耶香
  • 最初是患有心脏病跟近视的病弱少女,后来用魔法治愈了
  • 只要能力不暴露,小焰是最强的魔法少女[4]
  • 回了近100次[5]
  • 跟踪狂


  • 冷酷
    • 基本上对任何人都用全名称呼,不过也有例外,除了小圆外也有称呼过杏子(第九话)。
  • 死脑筋
  • 为了小圆可以不惜牺牲自己所有的一切
  • 认为沙耶加跟麻美是总带来麻烦的人
  • 认为杏子是可靠的队友
  • 在TV第一周目腼腆、怕生又自卑
  • 平时一副总攻的样子,其实小圆一强硬起来就变受
  • 黑他累


  • ほむほむ(homuhomu)来源于第三话Charlotte的魔女结界当中的魔女文字WATASI HA HOMU HOMU HA DESU!!,翻译过来是私はほむほむ派です!!
  • 职阶是Assassin,通关后继承了小圆的职阶成为Archer
  • 名字竖直写成平假名 (あけみほむら) 之后盖住左半部分,看起来就像是カナメまどか(片假名的鹿目+平假名的圆香)
  • 小焰的家:ほむホーム
  • 第11话、第12话(完结篇)播毕翌日,搭载88式陆基反舰导弹的陆上自卫队第六陆基反舰连队“恰巧”宣布解散,引发了“焰盗走军火,致使陆自连队解散”(第6地対舰ミサイル连队解队の远因)的趣谈。


File:Homerun The Movie.jpg
And so a legend was born
  • 焰的盾可以储藏无限多的武器, 从里面大量的手枪、轻机枪、滑膛枪、火箭弹发射器和成包的弹药即可看出. 值得注意的是,她的盾相当的小,可以戴在手腕上, 更像是一块手表. 因此,她的盾很可能是从Time Lord 的技术中得到的灵感.支撑这个观点的论据相当明显 - 她自身的魔力是基于时间操作的,因此很可能存在联系。
  • (ほむほむ)最早由粉丝群体所使用, 现已被业界所接收并受到欢迎,成为了 官方语言和用法的一部分.
  • 有时被开玩笑的比作 "Homurika" ,由于和 古手梨花 (寒蝉鸣泣之时) 做着类似(穿越许多时间轴以避免悲剧)的轮回.
  • 在一个早期手稿中, 她的姓被写作暁海而不是暁美。两者都读成 Akemi.
  • 在早期的时间轴中的焰, 由于性格和行为的原因, 在西方的粉丝中经常被叫做 "Moemura" 。
  • Apparently there is a rumor on the net that some weapons went "missing" at the JSDF and US military bases in Japan. There is only one official report regarding the missing/stolen weapons. It is not known if the rumors of the stolen missing weapons inspired their appearance in the series. Nor is there any evidence indicating that the perpetrator was a time traveling magical girl.
  • One fan estimates that Homura used ¥ 1,383,040,300 Yen worth of military weaponry & equipment (that's $17,037,114 USD in today's dollars).[1]
  • Homura's appearance in episode 12 (in the new timeline) from the manga is different than her appearance from the anime. In the anime, her clothes and hairstyle remain the same, with Madoka's ribbon as her accessories. However, in the manga, she wears a new dress, changes her hairstyle to two pigtails with the ribbons Madoka gave her.
  • In Audio commentary for Episode 4, Urobuchi liked Chiwa Saitou for the role because she had a "Dark Beauty" feeling.
    • Episode 7的副音轨中, 斋藤千和 解释说她最初尝试的角色是QB和恭介,直到虚渊玄说服她尝试焰这个角色.
      • 斋藤千和认为焰是一个既坚强又纤弱的少女.悠木碧补充说焰没有别的选择,只能让自己变得坚强。
        • 新谷良子认为一个角色有着想要守护的人或事物是正确的.
  • Some pages from the Puella Magi Production Note refer to Homura's attack on Walpurgisnacht as "Pytha-homu Switch", a reference to the complicated Rube Goldberg machines featured on the Japanese children's show "Pythagorean Switch".
  • In the Puella Magi Madoka Magica Official Guidebook "You Are Not Alone" Hanokage jokingly describes Homura as "Hommando" in her After-Recording Report comic, because of the excessive vast arsenal of weaponry she unleashes in Episode 11. Apparently the smörgåsbord of weaponry was added later, they were not originally depicted in the early stages of the screenplay.
  • 斋藤千和 (焰) 陈述说Episode 8 中的哭泣场景给她留下了很深的印象。她认为他们完美的把握住了少女的内心感受, 特别是焰崩溃的瞬间, 体现出了她作为女孩子的柔弱一面.
  • Episode 11的评论音轨中,斋藤千和 (焰) 认为这个场景十分感人、煽情, 给她留下了极深的印象. 她表示自己流下了眼泪.
    • 悠木碧 (圆) 觉得这个场景令人惊叹,让她无法平静. 她觉得她和圆在这个感人的场景中产生了共鸣.悠木碧相信,圆接受了焰的心意.
  • In Persona 4 Arena, Yukiko Amagi has a palette swap for Homura.
  • 焰在网上找到了制作炸弹的方法.如 日文维基所写, 这个手册名为 Template:Nihongo, 在1974年3月由一个 极左恐怖组织出版.
    • 顺便, 这个手册是用“任何一个具有中学化学水平的人都可以弄懂”的插图来做的注解.





File:Timeline Chart.png
The sequences of events in each timeline.


在动画中,焰的轮回是从某一月的14日开始的(推测为三月到四月之间的某时). 她14日出院, 于25日转学到见泷原中学. 在最初的时间轴上,她被魔女袭击并为圆和麻美所救.在之后那个月的某一时刻, during Walpurgisnatch,她以将自己和圆的邂逅重头来过为愿望成为了魔法少女, 得到了停止时间和轮回这一个月的能力。

据推测,焰在TV的时间轴之前将这从14日开始的一个月时间轮回了近一百次. 在这些时间轴里, 焰逐渐的提高了自己的能力,并为了和魔女之夜一战准备必要的物品(比如日本军火库里的武器和弹药). 她还通过对所有时间轴中可能发生的重要事件的统计数据的记忆与推断, 得到了有关大多数对手的难以想象的知识. 然而,从这也可以推断出,焰一次又一次的目睹了同伴们死去的惨状.在一次又一次的轮回中,焰和圆的距离变得越来越遥远.

在TV时间轴中,焰表现成一个远离众人的冷漠而工于心计的角色. 她没能救下任何一个同伴 (除了圆), 在魔女之夜来临时, 不得不孤身一人面对它. 在与魔女之夜一战中战败, 在被圆救下并许愿改写宇宙之前即将败给绝望。


在圆修改过的新世界里, 焰是唯一一个保有之前的宇宙中有关圆的记忆的人. 她得到了圆的发带, 以及一个与圆的武器类似的黑色的弓作为武器.不确定她是否保有操纵时间的能力. 焰和QB的关系看上去变得亲近, 以至于她甚至信赖的诉说了有关旧宇宙运行的一切.



The Rebellion Story中, 焰被 Incubators捕获, 她的灵魂宝石被放置于一个与圆环之理隔绝的孤立力场中. This strain led Homura to transform partially into a witch without her knowledge.在这个形态下,她无意识的创造了一个迷宫——一个见泷原的几乎完美的仿制品, 并将之前熟识的人拉入其中.她甚至把与沙耶加和 百江渚一同进入了结界的圆拉离了圆环之理。在这个梦幻般的世界里,焰无意识的改写了几乎所有人的记忆(也包括她自己),因而她们相信自己活在实际存在的世界中,与叫做梦魇的新敌人战斗 。为了阻止孵化者实现他们的计划, 圆把她的力量托付给沙耶加和渚. 沙耶加只是装作记忆被修改过的样子,而渚把自己伪装成了 Charlotte/Bebe.

焰最终发现了自己被囚禁在魔女结界中并试图找出幕后黑手。在行程即将结束时与圆的对话让她意识到自己不能接受圆的牺牲。从这时起她意识到了自己是制造这个结界的魔女,并通过使身体远离灵魂宝石而未产生任何后果得到了确认。 在这个时候QB出现并解释了焰的现状与孵化者们想要支配圆环之理的计划。这使得焰开始发狂并诅咒自己,使自己完全成为魔女Homulilly。圆和其他的魔法少女试图通过破坏容纳她们的孤立力场来拯救焰,让她们回到现实世界。由于孤立力场的原因,焰只能在她的灵魂宝石内部成为魔女,等待圆的拯救。 圆神想要将焰接走,成为圆环之理的一部分。但在那之前,焰抓住了圆。她的灵魂宝石变黑,随后被渚口中的比诅咒还要可怕的颜色翻卷着充满。真实世界从焰将圆从她的神格中剥离出的一刻开始崩坏。那种颜色从她的灵魂宝石中喷涌出来,与裂痕一同充满了整个宇宙。 焰和QB在圆于12话中进入的场景重新出现。焰用嘴咬碎了她的灵魂宝石,随后出现了被称为Dark Orb的宝石。QB惊呼焰改写了宇宙,并询问她的灵魂宝石发生了什么。焰解释说她想起了以前无数次轮回中的一切,自己所承受的一切伤害和痛苦都是为了圆。她说现在连这份痛苦都让她无比怜惜,污染着她灵魂宝石的是比诅咒更深层次的东西。在她吞下Dark Orb的一刻,她把它称为人类感情的极致:爱。





焰成功的成为了新世界的神。抛去作为恶魔的实际身份,她还在现实世界中以人类的形态存在,可以和任何人正常的交流。她似乎有着随心所欲操纵任何人记忆的能力,但能力的规模未知。焰被认为是象征“爱”的神明(而圆象征的是希望)。 焰现在拥有着圆神的一部分——特别指出,是鹿目圆在成为圆环之理前的部分。有暗示她现在把世间的诅咒转移到QB身上。尽管她把自己称作恶魔,圆,沙耶加,杏子,麻美和渚都在她的新世界里过上了幸福的生活。


"Madoka...don't ever tell me not to save you. I'm not all-powerful. I am not able to save everyone. But...even so, I want to save you. So, don't say that anymore!" - Homura, Puella Magi Oriko Magica, Chapter 5.

  • Homura first appears in Chapter 3. When Mami warns her about the magical girl murders, Homura seems not to care, but warns Mami not to get close to her, Madoka, Hitomi and Sayaka.
  • In chapter 4, she appears for one page with her friends, going out for sweets. She defers to Madoka's taste and doesn't care where they go. She protected Madoka well to this point, keeping the knowledge of magical girls far away from her and Sayaka.
  • In chapters 5-7, as Mitakihara Junior High is covered with a witch's barrier, Homura does her best to protect Madoka from the familiars. After Madoka told her not to sacrifice others to protect her, however, Homura decided to find Oriko and Kirika and defeat them. Oriko reveals that Template:Spoiler Homura fights together with Mami, Kyoko and Yuma, coming close to losing when two of the other three fall into despair after Template:Spoiler

魔法少女小圆 the different story

  • Homura acts just as she did in the anime.
  • Homura tries to cooperate with all magical girls to fight Walpurgis. But she still fails because all other magical girls don't believe her.
    • When Sayaka becomes Oktavia, she warns Kyoko not to visit Mami or she may die. Kyoko refuses and set a barrier to stop her from following.
    • She brings unconscious Mami home, and then seeks her help.
    • She lies to Madoka, saying Sayaka is killed by witches. She doesn't want Madoka to know about the cold truth.
    • When Madoka contracts, she doesn't reset time immediately. She tries to convince Madoka to run away, but Madoka refuses. She resets time after the other two go to fight Walpurgis.


Warning, this section contains spoilers.
  • If certain conditions are met, the Homura route will be available for playing.
  • Homura can save Mami from Charlotte.
    • By telling Mami she will leave Charlotte to her, Homura can avoid being tied up in ribbons. Homura can then secretly follow and save Mami in time.
      • Mami apologizes to Homura for misjudging her and forms a bond with Homura.
      • With Mami alive, there is a scene where she fights against Kyoko.
  • Homura can save Sayaka, by choosing Kyoko to talk to Sayaka and prevent her from becoming a witch.
    • Sayaka will join the group in fighting against Walpurgis.
  • Kyouko will team up with Homura in most cases.
  • If Homura successfully avoids Mami's death and none of the magical girls become witches, then it is possible for Homura to challenge Walpurgis with four magical girls without having Madoka contracting with Kyubey.
  • The PSP game has a transformation scene for glasses Homura (dead link)


经典台词(credit: K岛)
  • “あなたは、鹿目まどかのままでいればいい。今まで通りに、これからも。”



  • “暁美ほむらです。よろしくお愿いします。”


  • “……あなたは、优しすぎる。”


  • “解っているの? あなたは无関系な一般人を危険に巻き込んでいる。”


  • “それには及ばないわ。”



  • “もう谁にも赖らない”


  • “最后に残った道しるべ”


  • “约束するわ!绝対にあなたを救ってみせる!何度缲り返すことになっても、必ずあなたを守ってみせる!”



  • “不了解人类的感情的你们不可能明白的吧,比诅咒更强,比执妄更深的,称之为爱的这份感情!”


  • “望むことは、ささやかなりし。この腕にかき抱けるだけの梦でいい、この胸に収まるだけの真実でいい。譬えて言うなら、その名は‘まどか’。‘まどか’こそ我が生命、‘まどか’こそ我が宿命!”

“所望唯微愿耳。便是只能以这双臂紧抱的梦幻便好,便是只能在我心中存在的真实便好。若名之,则谓‘小圆’! 小圆方为我生命,小圆方为我宿命!”

    • 其实是《装甲骑兵·荣耀的异端》最终话预告,描写齐力可心境的一段独白。*13
    • 但这段独白不仅跟焰的粉圆控非常贴切,前半段更是完美体现了焰为了小圆能得到作为人的幸福,尽其所能地创造一个可能十分虚幻短暂,却能让小圆在现实得以安稳的世界的心愿。
  • “触れ得ざる者”ホムラ・アケミ



  • 最萌大赛(日萌)2011
    • 一次预选以433票03组第一名进入本战
    • 本战一回战A05组以585票对696票负于御坂美琴
  • 最萌大赛(日萌)2013
    • 一次预选08组以219票第一名进入本战[7]
    • 本战一回战B02组以293票对269票打败高町奈叶
    • 本战二回战B02组201票,与B03组413票鹿目圆一同败于B01组438票新垣绫濑
    • 由于是该场比赛第三位,无缘复活赛
  • 2011年C洽最萌大赛中,决赛中以748票落败于御坂美琴,取得准萌主(亚军)
  • 百合会(300)萌 2011
    • (求补充)萌王
  • 百合会(300)萌 2013
    • (求补充)萌王
  • 韩萌 2011
    • 回档萌王
  • 萌燃萌三吧新星萌 2013
    • 本战二回战北部赛区AB2组以2416票负于2418票时崎狂三






  • In the first two episodes, Homura appeared to be the antagonist. It was later explained that she only wanted to prevent Madoka becoming a magical girl. She saved Madoka and Sayaka multiple times and may become an ally and/or mentor of Madoka in the future.
  • She might also wish to prevent Madoka becoming a magical girl because of the risk that she could turn into an overwhelmingly powerful witch.
  • In Episode 5, Homura saves Sayaka from Kyoko by suddenly manifesting as Kyoko's attack is about to land, somehow moving Sayaka out of the path of the attack. The ability seems to involve massive acceleration rather than teleportation (this because of her power being to turn back/stop time and thus being able to move quickly from one point to another by stopping time temporarily), as she is able to act in a split second. As there are hints that a Puella Magi's powers may relate to her wish (e.g. Sayaka's regeneration), this may be a clue as to Homura's true motives. As of Episode 8 it has been confirmed that Homura's ability has something to do with time.
    • Theory proven right: her power is stopping time and wish is time-related.)



  • Homura's wish was to protect Madoka, and since wishes always come true, it should make her immune from death and becoming a witch before saving Madoka. This makes her doomed to be locked in this cycle. In one timeline she was almost successful, but Madoka sacrificed herself for the sake of Homura and caused another restart.
    • Theory proven wrong: Homura controls when and if she rewinds time, so long as one month as passed since the last reset.)
  • Per the image in the gallery below, the pipe layout on the corridor wall is completely different after Homura uses her 'teleportation' ability. Assuming this is not a production error, it has been suggested that the ability actually involves magically reconstituting the entire corridor while moving the people in it around. For more information, please refer to the entry on this phenomenon in the Magical Powers speculah.
    • Theory proven wrong: her power has nothing to do with that, it was a production error.
  • Homura may be a homunculus created by Madoka.[8]
  • Homura might be in possession of the soul gems of magical girls from an alternate timeline, such as the alternate Madokas. See also Speculah:Homura Identity Swap Theory (though note the identity swap theory has been debunked).
    • Theory proven wrong: Soul Gems disappear when their owner dies or become Grief Seeds.
  • One of the speculations as for why Homura does not tell Madoka upfront of the consequences of becoming a magical girl, is because Madoka might just become one in order to save Homura or Mami. This could also be the reason why she's trying to keep a distance between her and Madoka.
    • Theory proven wrong: she was doing it to stop Madoka per her promise.
  • Homura may be Walpurgis Night. As Homura's powers involved time manipulation it could very well be that we are seeing a witch version of Homura warped back into the past ironically becoming the very event that has shaped her reason for making a contract. Walpurgis Night has been depicted with clock-like gears underneath her dress. Episode 11 also depicts Walpurgis Night having a primary color of purple, which is also Homura's color. While the end of the series shows Homura losing her shield, after the credits we are shown Homura during an unknown time period, though having Madoka's ribbons, battling. Before Homura starts the fight, she hears Madoka offer words of encouragement as Homura gives up a final smile, which may signal Homura being consumed with despair. The final shot shows the main heroines, overlapped with multiple silhouettes of the heroines, which could allude to the familiars summoned by Walpurgis Night in episode 11, before showing Homura's soul gem.
    • More to this is that it's actually a fact that Kriemhild Gretchen and Walpurgisnacht where designed, to be two halves of a whole, at least as far as physical character design goes. Because of that they form an hour glass. Now, One thing that really stands out is Gretchen, go take a look at her body if you haven't. Now this is really a strange witch for Madoka to become. Most witches have at least something in common with their original wish and past, but all Madoka appears to be is this stringy black mess, What could explain this? Well, if we accept that Walpurgisnacht nacht is in fact Homura's witch, sighting the gears and Homura's lack of a time barrier, It then follows that Homura's and Madoka's witches form the hour glass. The implications of that would not be trivial, To start with, Homura is the very cause of Madoka's power and potential as a magical girl, How does she do this? time loops, as Kyuubey explained, each loop makes Madoka's past bleaker and bleaker, We already know that blackness is despair incarnate since we see it build up in soul gems, Gretchen is of course VERY black. In addition to that, Gretchen is also made up of many tendrils of threads, It would seem that if she is the bottom of the hour glass, then It's plausible that the threads represent the very threads of time that Madoka is caught up in, Walpurgisnacht, if Homura, would then be intimately connected to Gretchen, the very cause of her power, each twist of time by Homura perhaps dropping those threads, symbolic of their relationship to one another.
      • Theory proven wrong: Homura's witch form is Homulilly.



  • Homura may actually be Faust, as Faust in the play tries all his might to save Gretchen (Madoka) from dying but in the end she perishes anyways as Mephistopheles (QB) tries to tempt her to form a contract with him.
    • There's also the fact that in the Goethe version, Faust would only lose his soul if he ever had a moment of perfect happiness that made him wish he could stop time at that moment forever. Homura's power, of course, is to stop time. As such, it's entirely possible that the Homura and Faust parallels will be taken to its logical conclusion: She will have a moment of perfect happiness, she will stop time at that moment, and then she will die or become a witch. However, it should be mentioned that Faust manages to escape Mephistopheles and enter heaven because he found his moment of happiness in helping others, and not in anything Mephistopheles gave him. On the other hand, there is a witch that tries to create heaven on Earth.
    • In the story of Faust, the devil grants him "magical powers" for 24 years, "one year for each hour of the day," and the deal was at the end of the "24 years," the devil would claim his soul. Homura's "weapon" is an hourglass, and her hourglass can reset time by one month. Given the strong parallels to Faust, and how at the end of the last loop, Homura was about to lose her soul (by giving in to Kyuubey's master plan and her Soul Gem becoming corrupted), it is entirely probable that her loop lasted for a total of 24 months/loop attempts as a reasonable conservative estimate, and the full Faustian 24 years as a more gruesome estimate. Given how radically her personality has changed since the first loop attempt, and how she seems to have memorized most of the key events of the loop, 24 months seems like a plausible number.
  • Homura shows some very different powers in episode 12. While this may be a by-product of the new world, it is also possible she always had these powers and simply did not use them in favor of her less magic-consuming time-stopping.
    • Given the fact that she no longer has her shield on her wrist, it is most likely that her powers have changed altogether.
      • Her shield was shown to be completely out of sand during the fight with Walpurgis Night. As we know, the only way for her to get more sand again is to reset the timeline (flip the hourglass). Since the timeline wasn't actually reset by her, even in new timeline, her shield would still be completely out of sand, and therefore, useless as anything but a hunk of steel on her arm. It makes sense she wouldn't use it anymore, then.
        • Considering her wish was to protect Madoka, one could believe her shield shows her resolve to protect. Its turning to sand in the Walpurgis Night fight represents her inability (and indeed, her failure) to protect Madoka. When she flips the hourglass, gaining more sand represents the fact she can protect Madoka again. Her not having it in the new timeline shows that she doesn't need to protect anyone anymore.
      • As for the source of her new powers, speculations abound; lead amongst them is that she got Madoka's bow from her at the same time that Madoka fixed her Soul Gem and gave her her ribbon. Another theory is that since her wish was to "protect Madoka," and Madoka is now a concept rather than a person, her powers were altered into something similar to what Madoka uses. Yet another theory is that with the universe restarted, Homura made a different wish, and so got different powers. Yet another theory is that Homura was always able to produce a bow; after all, her original concept artwork depicted her with that weapon. She just hadn't figured out how, or alternatively, just hadn't bothered, since stopping time is more efficient.
        • My (slightly poorly-founded) theory is that her wish was to know what Madoka was (which explains why she can suddenly tell Kyubey everything) - if that's true, her having a bow represents her bond with the concept of Madoka. Kind of similar to your point.
  • The reason why Homura can't prevent Madoka from being a magic girl may be interpreted that it is Madoka's being magic girl that makes Homura become magic girl. If Homura really did, there will be a paradox. But effect can't change the cause. Therefore,no matter how many times she tries, she is destined to fail.
    • Another evidence may support this idea. In the end of episode 12, Homura is still a magic girl and she know the existence of Madoka. Because it is Homura's being magic girl and her trying hundreds of times to save Madoka that gives Madoka the ability to become Madokami. Even Madokami can't change what she is based on to exist. The effect can't change the cause.


There are some bizarre elements that haven't been properly addressed in the anime series. In one case is the issue that the production notes state that in one timeline Kyousuke was a guitarist. It was never addressed in the Anime but in the alternate-Oktavia's witch card does mention a guitar, and we have no reason to assume it refers to anyone but Kyousuke. On this reason Kyousuke as a guitarist is considered to be canon. One possible explanation for this is that Homura is not only going back in time but also going to 平行宇宙 (different universes) contained within the 多元宇宙.

Gen Urobuchi stated that he didn't really think too much about the mechanics of Homura's time loops, so the nature of Homura's power is not only a mystery, but it is not fully understood not even by the creative source.

There are ways to explain the change in instrument using only time travel. Perhaps someone made a wish that changed Kyousuke's past, and the effects persisted in future timelines because the wish changed events that happened before the point where the timelines diverged, when Homura woke up in the hospital. Kyousuke might be proficient with both instruments, and some event during the time loop period might inspire him to prefer one over the other. However, these speculations are based on guesswork, since the show's creators have not yet provided details.












Hommando: Army of One



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